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It a <br />17 Landlord's Right of hntry. With prior reasonable nottce;to Tenant Landlord:andats4gents�may <br />enter the Leased=$remises at any reasonable;tmie at all,ttmes accompamedsby;a representative,of,Tenant <br />• (excepuimhe,c,ase of emergencies)joi- the purpose of inspecting the,4P eased Piemtses, performing atiy work' 1 <br />whichvGandlbrd,elects to undertAke_and'made'ne'cessary by reason of ,tenant s;default under ...... rms hereof h i <br />g Y <br />ti �; <br />exhibiUn theaLeased Premises foi sal'efor'lease !or for ad other reasop�able�piuposes tLandlord shallsuse,� k r <br />commectally reasonable efforts to mimmice any disrupuon to4Tenant s useofrthe Leased Premises caused by ; <br />_. <br />an} such access or entry <br />o 2t , is " J.r Ff hat.t <br />„18 Indemnification lenantrshallmdemmfyL`andlordagatnstallthabthttes expenses,(meludtngkx y Y <br />attorney's fees) and losses>iricurred by=Landlord as a resultof (rA) fathue by,Tenant toy perform any covenant ; <br />requrred'to be penformed,by_,7 enant• hereunder +(B) any,aceident, tn�ury ortdamage whichshall� appeniinrorF s <br />c, l , ,r <br />n N^ <br />about the LeasediPremises?caused by Tenant+orrresulting from+the condition; maintenance, orioperation offtfie w <br />a , C a nA �fl 4 y c f A, ¢ - <br />Lcased Preintscs.causedrby=Tenant (C) Tenants fatlur`e o,comply with any{iequirements ofiany govemmental� <br />authority toitheieztent that Tenant is obligated to do so hereunder, except astsuchfrequirements relateito,requrredi <br />alterations to the Leased Premises (D)�any,mechantcs lien or seeunty agreement or other hemfilediagamst the <br />ll <br />Leased Eremises or fixtures and egwpment therein belongingato Landlord as the result,of„work performediat [he <br />;'I eased Premtseseby Tenant or itsiemployees, contractors,<agentsror representatives, and�(E) any'neshgenttact <br />omission of fenai t its:offcers employees and:agents ;.. r <br />1.a , r z» <br />a <br />t19 Reserved M„ r <br />f S <br />il <br />i S <br />20 ,Damage by Fifeaor other Casualty L <br />Ifthe leased°premtseshall be rendered untenantable byrfire orother casualty either'Landlord <br />Tenant!may terminate this lease as.ofthetdate of+such fire or othencasualty, up <br />other parry In the event<that this leasemm <br />, shall besterated, rent sh} egesta <br />• shalhaFiate during, such 30 da_y period'if Tenant cannot and;does not,use thetLe <br />other, casualty.. <br />21 Default eSurrendei <br />(A) Cach•,of the following shall:con <br />stitute',an event of Default: (i)iif tht <br />• <br />ar--- <br />present,or future federal;oustate law or regulation relating to bankruptcy, ifisol% <br />or consents,[o or acquiesces -,in the appointment of any, trustee; receiver 6r)liqui2 <br />assignment for: the'.benefitjof-creditors; (iii) iFany monthly installment or.rentE <br />overdue and unpaid for frHeen(15),days; and (iv) i£-thereshalfibe. a default by,' <br />A <br />reiruses shall bc��, _ <br />>ehhonfintbankru}itcy, <br />a er seeking any, <br />ai relief under any` <br />rther relief.'for,debtors, <br />nakes,any general <br />-ailed for remains; , <br />any material, provision of this lease, agreement for more thantifteen (I5),days:fol lowing wiittenmotice <br />thereof from Landlord.:. <br />(S) Upon the expiration or earlier .termination of this Lease Agreement; or any renewals or extensions <br />thereof, Tenant shall quit and surrender the Leased Premises to Landlord in= substantially the same condition<as <br />the Premises were delivered to Tenant, ordinary wear and tear excepted: Tenanvshall on+or before the day -of <br />expirationor earlier termination, remove all its property and within two weeks�ofsuch day Tenant shall -repair <br />all damage to the Leased Premises caused by such removal and make reasonable restoration of the Leased <br />Premises to the condition in which they existed prior to the installation of the property so removed. Any <br />property ofthe Tenant thatremains on,the Premises after the expirationor teimihatiun ofthis lease may ve <br />treated by the Landlord as abandoned property. <br />Page 4 of 6 <br />