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revenue to be contributed by the City and the County. The amount of revenue to <br />• be contributed by the City and the County shall be determined on the basis of <br />population at the time the budget is adopted by the Authority as reported for the <br />most recent year by the University of Virginia's Weldon Cooper Center for Public <br />Service, rounded to the nearest tenth (1/10) of a percent. The percentage of each <br />of the City's and County's portion of the revenue to be contributed will be <br />calculated by dividing its population by the combined population of the City and <br />County. For purposes of the budget for the Authority's fiscal year beginning July <br />1, 2007, the percentage of the City's portion of the revenue to be contributed shall <br />be thirty percent (30%) and the County's portion of the revenue to be contributed <br />shall be seventy percent (70%). An example of the calculations required by <br />paragraph 4 above and this paragraph 5 is set forth in Exhibit 1 attached hereto, <br />and such calculations shall be made by the Authority in a manner consistent with <br />the example in Exhibit 1. <br />6. Quarterly Deficit Pavments <br />If the Authority's proposed annual budget shows an operating deficit, the City's <br />and County's payment to the Authority pursuant to paragraph 5 above shall be <br />made quarterly on the first day of July, October, January, and April of such fiscal <br />year of the Authority, subject to the provisions of paragraphs 9 and 10 below. <br />7. Increase or Decrease in the Authoritv's Operating Deficit <br />• Payments by the City and the County to the Authority for any particular fiscal <br />quarter shall be increased or decreased, as appropriate to take into account any <br />extraordinary increases or reductions in expenses and/or reductions or increases in <br />revenue not anticipated by the adopted budget for such year upon the Authority's <br />submission of an amended budget approved by the Authority's Board of Directors <br />to the City and the County at least 30 days prior to the due date of the next <br />payment. Upon completion of the audited financial statements of the Authority <br />for the prior fiscal year, the City's and County's payments to the Authority shall <br />be increased or decreased, as appropriate, to take into account increases or <br />decreases in actual expenses and/or reductions or increases in actual revenues of <br />the Authority from those anticipated by the adopted budget as shown by such <br />financial statement, and such adjustments shall be determined by using the City's <br />and County's percentages as set forth in paragraph 5 above, as may be adjusted as <br />provided in such paragraph, for such audited fiscal year as an adjustment to the <br />next payments due from the City and County to the Authority; provided, however, <br />that any such increase or decrease shall take into account any increase or decrease <br />in payments for such year pursuant to the most recently adopted amended budget <br />of the Authority for such year, if any. In the event the amount of service <br />contribution fees and local government support payments exceed the percentage <br />of revenues needed by the Authority, including reasonable reserves, pursuant to <br />paragraph 5 above, the Authority shall either remit such excess to the City and <br />County or carry such excess over to the next fiscal year giving the City and <br />• County credit during such year for such excess <br />5 <br />