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8. Development of an Authority Strategic Plan <br />The Authority agrees to promptly commence and complete the development of a <br />strategic plan involving the examination of types and levels of services needed <br />and desired by the community, including a conceptual development of options by <br />which the Authority may obtain a level of revenue necessary to fully fund the <br />costs of such services, so that the Authority will be financially self-sufficient as <br />originally contemplated by the Solid Waste Organizational Agreement. It is the <br />expectation of the parties to this Agreement that the Authority will complete and <br />implement the strategic plan by no later than June 30, 2010. <br />9. Solid Waste Organizational Agreement <br />The parties enter this Agreement notwithstanding any provisions in the Solid <br />Waste Organizational Agreement conflicting with this Agreement, and agree that <br />in the event of any such conflicting provisions, this Agreement shall control. <br />10. Voluntary Citv and Countv Funding <br />Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a claim, cause of action, <br />or right of recovery against either the City or the County by the Authority or by <br />any creditor or claimant of the Authority. The Authority acknowledges that <br />• neither the City nor the County is under any legal or equitable obligation to <br />provide funding to the Authority, but that each has voluntarily chosen to do so for <br />the sole reason of insuring the continuation of a certain level of solid waste <br />disposal and recycling services being provided by the Authority, and the City and <br />County each acknowledges that in the event such funding is not made available to <br />the Authority, the Authority will necessarily have to curtail those services. <br />11. Non -Appropriation <br />This Agreement is subject to the approval, ratification, and annual appropriations <br />by the Charlottesville City Council and the Albemarle County Board of <br />Supervisors of the necessary money to fund this Agreement for this and any <br />succeeding fiscal years. Should the City or the County fail to appropriate the <br />necessary funding, it shall give prompt written notice to the Authority and the <br />other party of such non -appropriation, and this Agreement shall automatically <br />terminate without further notice by or to any Party. <br />12. Amendment <br />Any amendment to this Agreement must be made in writing and signed by the <br />Parties. <br />0 <br />