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214 <br /> <br /> The resolution supporting the admissions policy of the University of Virginia was <br />approved by the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Ms. Daugherty, Ms. Richards, Mr. <br />Toscano. Noes: None. Absent: Mr~ Cox. <br /> <br /> WltEREAS, the City of Charlottesville strives to en~mre every citizen a full and <br />fair oppommity for the highest qtmlky education possible; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville highly values the University of Virginia <br />as the Commonwealth's capstone institution of higher learning; and <br /> <br /> WltEREAS, the City of Charlottesville recognizes and lauds the achievements of <br />the University of Virginia in providing national leadership in education, retention, and <br />graduation rates of African-American studems; and <br /> <br /> WltEREAS, the City of Charlottesville supports the principle of committed <br />action to recruit, retain, and enhance opportunities for higher education for all students <br />including African-Americans; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville appreciates the positive benefrts of racial <br />diversity; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the University's current race sensitive admissions process <br />strengthens the City of Charlottesvffie, and our opportunities for local youth, recruitment <br />of teachers and city employees, cultural richness and positive national recognition, as <br />well as in our efforts towards better human relations; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Charlottesville discourages any policy change that will <br />deter or limit the high level of success of diversity efforts by the University of Virginia; <br /> <br /> NOW, TBEREFORE, the City Council of the City of Charlottesville strongly <br />urges the University of Virginia to maintain its admissions policy which includes race as <br />a factor, and which enrolls students who are broadly representative of cultural, racial, and <br />ethnic diversity of our community, state, and nation." <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARiNG: COMIvRJNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT, HOME <br />FUNDING AND CONSOLIDATED PLAN FOR FY 2000/01 <br /> <br /> Ms. Claudette Grant, Department of Neighborhood Planning and Development <br />Services, presented a draft time line for the Consolidated Plan and said that any goals and <br />priorities set by Council at this meeting will be the basis for the CDBG Task Force's <br />recommendations. Ms. Grant said that $681,000 is anticipated in CDBG funding and <br />$93,750 for HOME funding. The Ridge Street neighborhood has been designated as the <br />priority neighborhood with $200,000 recommended by staff for neighborhood projects <br />Administrative funding is expected to remain the same and staff recommend that social <br />programs receive the maximin of 15% of the CDBG funds. <br /> <br />The public hearing was opened. <br /> <br /> Ms. Jeannie Lee, 500 South 1st Street, Apt. 501, represeming Public Housing <br />Association of Residents (PHAR), thanked Council for providing really good public <br />housing, Ms. Lee asked that Council consider the following regarding the Community <br />Development Block Grant Program and Consolidated Plan: t) Work with the Thomas <br />Jefferson Planning District to expand housing choices for low and moderate-income <br />residents in the surrounding counties; 2) Encourage development of private, vacant land <br />for Iow density subsidized housing in neighborhoods not already overburdened with low <br />and moderate-income housing; 3) Encourage and expand homeownership opportunities <br />for Iow and moderate-income city residents; 4) Assure that there -wilt be no net loss-of <br />subsidized housing in the city of Charlottesville; 5) Ensure that items designated as high <br />Priority in the Consolidated Plan needs assessment receive commensurate high priority <br />funding; 6) Ensure the city is affmnatively furthering fair housing by removing <br />impediments to racial integration in the city housing stock (as it is required to by law). <br />An effective strategy to achieve this would be to promote affordable housing in areas of <br />the city where people of color are not already concentrated; 7) Ensure the city Housing <br /> <br /> <br />