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220 <br /> <br />9th/t0t~ Corridor and Cherry Avenue. Mr. Tolbert said that the transition zone is expected <br />to facilitate development and encourage preservation ofadjacent neighborhoods. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Toscano, seconded by Ms. Richards, the ordinance entitled <br />,,AN ORDINANCE PROPOSING THE AMENDMENT OF CITY ZONING <br />REGULATIONS AND AMENDMENT TO THE OFFICIAL CITY ZONING MAP" <br />which incorporates "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND REORDAINING ARTICLE <br />X OF CHAPTER 34 OF THE CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE, 1990, AS <br />AMENDED, BY ADDING A NEW ARTICLE, X-A, TOB E NUMBERED SECTIONS <br />34-359 THROUGH 34-369 RELATING TO A ZONING DISTRICT TO BE NAMED <br />TRANSITION ZONE" and "AN ORDIN3aqCE AMENDING AND REORDAIN1NG <br />SECTIONS 34-835, 34-854, 34-90t AND 34-902 OF ARTICLE XXI OF CHAPTER 34 <br />OF THE CODE OF THE CITY OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, 1990, AS AMENDED, <br />RELATING TO SITE PLANS," was offered and carded over to the next meeting for <br />consideration. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said development of the transition zone has been a long process and <br />one that he hopes can be replicated in other areas of the City. Mr. Caravati said that the <br />transition zone will encourage development and redevelopment that will have a positive <br />impact on. the adjacent neighborhood. Ivlr. Caravati asked that the Department of <br />Neighborhood Planning and Development Services watch that residents are not moved <br />out and that gentrification does not occur. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said that market forces will cause an increase inproperty ~vatues and <br />taxes and suggested that the City can control the taxes by building in some kind of <br />formula, tax abatement or credits. Ms. Richards said the City has less control over people <br />who may be offered a lot of money for their property. Ms. Richards said she would <br />welcome models used by other communities because she thinks it will be a challenge. <br />Ms. Richards said the transition zone may need to be customized for other areas in the <br />city. <br /> <br /> Ms. Toscano said the City needs to see if the transition zone works before it is <br />applied elsewhere. <br /> <br />Mr. Caravati said the City will need to look at the issue of lighting. <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards asked that the ordinance limiting expansion ofgrandfathered units <br />be removed from the consent agenda. <br /> <br /> Mr. Stu Armstrong, Executive Director of Piedmont Housing Alliance, asked that <br />the cap for the HOP Program be increased to $ t 15,000 as it is difficult to find lots for less <br />than $20,000 and houses for less than $75,000, the current cap. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Toscano, seconded by Mr. Caravati, the following consent <br />agenda items were approved, with the minutes of September 20 corrected, and Mr. <br />Toscano abstaining from approval of the minutes of September 20, by the following vote. <br />Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Ms. Daugherty, Ms. Richards, Mr. Toscano. Noes: None. Absent: <br />Mr. Cox. <br /> <br />a. Minutes of September t 8 and 20 <br /> <br />b. APPROPRIATION: <br /> <br />$10,000- Reappropriating False Alarm Fees <br />(2na reading) <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, to ensm~ the timely administration and collection of fees for <br />responses to false alarms generated by alarm systems. <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the CitY of Charlottesville, Virginia that <br />$ I 0,000 be appropriated from account 05-001-021001-44259 to account 05-270-041021- <br />44259 for use by the Police Department during fiscal year 1999-2000. <br /> <br /> <br />