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263 <br /> <br />going to see more and more economic development and if it is not clear that we value <br />history, we will find we have lost a great deal of it. <br /> <br /> Ms. Daugherty said she thinks the BAR needs someone with a clear historic <br />interest. In addition, because of the natural tension between economic development and <br />preservation, she feels it would be good to have someone who is a contractor so thee is a <br />discussion between the two groups. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said she would like to see someone who has a specialization in <br />integrating new and old, as she would appreciate having a better understanding of how <br />that can be done. Ms. Richards said she feels it would be good to have someone who <br />could creatively resolve some of the tension between preservation and economic <br />development. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said, that as an alumnus ofthe BAR, he feels the role set out in the <br />Code are good, and the BAR has the responsibility to protect and shape the architectural <br />fabric in the future. Mr. Caravati said he would like to see the City facilitate the <br />development process, and feels that the combining of Community Development, Building <br />and Life Safety and Engineering into the Department of Neighborhood Planning and <br />Development Services, is a step in that direction. Mr. Caravati said he feels it is <br />incumbent for the BAR to team up with staff and developers to try to facilitate <br />development and for the BAR to have a more welcoming atmosphere, one that is open <br />~ supportive of developers, and recognizes property rights. Mr. Caravati said he would <br />support people on the BAR who would work with combining economic development and <br />preservation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said that we as a City can project to the development community our <br />preference for creative, adaptive reuse, to retain existing buildings. Mr. Cox said an <br />informal survey he conducted of persons doing significant development indicates that the <br />process being used now works incredibly well and comments were complimentary of the <br />existing BAR. Mr. Cox said that more pre-application contact with the BAR, to be <br />discussed later in the meeting, may assist the process. Mr. Cox said he would prefer to <br />move forward respecting the structures we have. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano said the Council has taken a lot of heat in the last few years, which <br />he feels is undeserved, since they have embraced two new historic districts and <br />designated additional historic structures. Mr. Toscano said the City Code has a very <br />strong bias toward preservation. Mr. Toscano said that an important point to remember is <br />that if a deveioper -wants to pursue demolition, the demolition needs to be justified, not <br />what will be built there afterwards, which was not the case with the Marriott Hotel <br />project. Mr. Toscano said that is also why he wants diversity on the BAR, including a <br />contractor and property owners, and feels there is a need for consensus builders. Mr. <br />Toscano said he is not interested in supporting someone -who would always support <br />demolition or someone who would never support demolition. Mr. Toscano said the BAR <br />does not need extremes. Mr. Toscano said he is most intrigued about adaptive reuse, and <br />the ordinance may need to be changed in order to reach the goal of having higher density <br />in certain areas. Mr. Toscano said he feels that ultimately decisions should be based on <br />individual projects. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said there are empty lots waiting for higher density, and his preference <br />would be to protect what we have and infill those properties. Mr. Cox said he would <br />prefer to err on the side of caution. <br /> <br /> Ms. Daugherty said she does not feel that car dealerships or service stations need <br />to be there forever, and feels it is a difficult issue about what buildings to save. Ms. <br />Daugherty said she doeS not go along with reusing every single building that exists now. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said he agrees that someone who is a developer would bring balance to <br />the BAR and he hopes others will apply. Mr. Cox made a motion to approve the <br />resolution extending terms. <br /> <br /> <br />