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149 <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano said he assumes that an evaluation of various sites will be done, and <br />Mr. Caravati said it will. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said he thinks it is quite exciting to have a program so well suited for the <br />site to have the consultant work with. <br /> <br /> Mr, Toscano made a motion to support the idea of the Watershed Center at <br />Darden Towe Park as long as the location and funding are resolved with all parties <br />involved. Mr. Cox seconded the motion~ <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he hopes the Center could be a multi-use facility and that the <br />group work with the Rivanm Trails Foundation in siting the facility so when the bridge <br />over the river is built it could have a relationship to the Center. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox asked if the non-profit group is intending to raise ali funds, and Ms. <br />Middleton said the group is planning to raise all funds for construction and operation. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards asked ifa feasibility study has been done, and Ms. Middleton said <br />that a study is proposed to be done in October. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said she thinks it is a wonderful project as we do not recognize the <br />river enough in our community. Ms. Richards said she also welcomes the group not <br />asking the City to pay for it. <br /> <br /> The motion was approved by the following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. Cox, <br />Mr. Lynch, Ms. Richards, Mr. Toscano. Noes: None. <br /> <br />~: PARKS AND RECREATION ADViSORY COMMITTEE - MISSION <br />STATEMENT <br /> <br /> Ms. Camille Wilson, Chair of the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee, <br />explained that the original mission statement of the Committee is out of date, and the <br />proposed statement strengthens the Committee's role as advisor to staff and Council. Ms. <br />Wilson said the Committee is in the process of developing written policies on: <br />I) new projects; 2) advising on capital improvement program expenditures; and <br />3) reviewing park and school ~ound projects. Ms. Wilson said the Committee will <br />present these policies to Council for its review soon. Ms. Wilson asked Council to <br />officially approve the proposed charge of the Committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he applauds the Committee's inclusion of searching for new <br />greenspace in their charge. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said it is not clear to him how the Committee would begin to explore <br />adding greenspace, and Ms. Wilson said that an official Council charge to do that would <br />help the Committee in this effort. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said he would champion that effort. Mr. Cox said that the Committee <br />has developed ambitious goals, and asked if they have thought about specific projects, <br />such as Mctntire Park Master Plan, noting that the Committee might be more productive <br />if they are charged to take on one big project. <br /> <br /> Ms. Wilson said that most Committee members would be interested in being <br />involved in the Mclntire Park Master Plan project, but they have not gotten into other <br />specifics. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox asked what affwork with the Committee, and Ms. Wilson said that <br />staff from both Parks and Recreation and Leisure ServiceS. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said she does not see a professional landscape architect <br />recommended as a permanent feature on the Committee, and that should probably be <br />specified. Ms. Richards asked if the Committee feels equipped to do private fundraising. <br /> <br /> <br />