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150 <br /> <br /> Ms. Wilson said the hope is that the Committee's participation would involve <br />endorsing the idea of having private funds partner with City funds. <br /> <br /> Ms, Richards said she expects there are a lot of people who would be interested in <br />donating money to parks and she would like to see the Committee address how to make <br />this a formal program. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano said he was on Council when the Committee was approved, noting <br />that it was formed to address concerns that Council had at the time about the Department <br />of Parks and Recreation, and no one was sure how long the Committee would last. Mr. <br />Toscano said he is never quite sure how the Committee fits into the overall planning <br />process, their role of advising versus advocating, and how they fit in with staff. Mr. <br />Toscano said one of his concerns is about staffmg requirements. Mr. Toscano asked <br />about how the Committee fits in with the Planning Commission. <br /> <br /> Ms. Wilson said that a member of the Planning Commission serves on the <br />Committee and it is the Committee's intent to. be a help to the Planning Commission. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano asked if the proposed mission statement has been shared with the <br />Planning Commission, and Ms. Wilson said it has not. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano said he feels it Would be good to share the statement with the <br />Planning Commission. Mr. Toscano also suggested that the advocacy role be stricken <br />and instead he would stress the emphasis on advising to the Planning Commission and <br />Council. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said he thinks a resolution similar to the original one should be adopted <br />by Council, and suggested that in the context of one of its retreats, that Council come up <br />with a charge for the Committee, and said that is how he would like to proceed. <br /> <br /> Ms. Peggy Van Yahres, Vice Chair of the Parks and Recreation Committee, said <br />that members are working on coming up with a process for planning. Ms. Van Yahres <br />said that ideally it would be best to design Mclntire Park and the Meadowcreek Parkway <br />at the same time. Ms. Van Yahres agreed that it would be a good idea to have a <br />landscape architect or architect on the Committee. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he is encouraged with the Committee's attention to the Rivanna <br />Trails. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said that what he is hearing Council agree to is that the Parks and <br />Recreation Committee will go to the Planning Commission with their proposed mission <br />statement; will work to make the statement more compact; and will give more thought to <br />appropriate membership, including neighborhood representation. Mr. Caravati suggested <br />that the Committee revisit the "City as a Park" document before coming back with a <br />proposed resolution. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION: WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT IN~RLOCAL AGREEMENT <br /> <br /> Mr. Clyde Gouldman, City Attorney, explained that the Workforce Investment <br />Act Interlocal Agreement, to be approved by ten other localities, will form a consortium <br />to implement the Act. The City of Charlottesville has been named the grant recipient, <br />and the Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission will act as fiscal agent. Liability <br />wilt be shared among all localities. <br /> <br /> Mr, Caravati said that the district is big and he hopes that it will be reduced in the <br />future, and Ms. Nancy O'Brien, Director of TJPDC, said that they hope to split offinto <br />planning districts down the road. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mr. Toscano, seconded by Ms. Richards, Council approved the <br />resolution regarding the Workforce Investment Act Interlocal Agreement by the <br />following vote. Ayes: Mr. Caravati, Mr. Cox, Mr. Lynch, Ms. Richards, Mr. Toscano. <br />Noes: None. <br /> <br /> <br />