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151 <br /> <br /> BE IT RESOLVED by the Council ofthe City of Charlottesville, Virginia thax <br />the Mayor is hereby authorized to execute on behalf of the City the following document, <br />in form approved by the City Attorney: <br /> <br />Interlocal Agreement between the City, the Thomas Jefferson Planning <br />District Commission, and the local governments comprising Workforce <br />Investment Area 6 to set forth process, procedures and responsibilities <br />For implementation of the Wofr,_force Investment Act. <br /> <br />PUBLIC. HEARIN~: MOORMAN'S RIVER WATER RELEASE <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell said that this issue has been previously discussed by the Rivanna <br />Water and Sewer Authority (RWSA) and the Board of Supervisors. <br /> <br /> Mr. Art Petrini, Executive Director of the RWSA, explained that the firm of <br />Draper Alden was hired to advise on the proposed water release. They reported that the <br />reseawoir makes no significant ~ference in the ecological community; there are periods <br />of no flow into the reservoir, and the water release would benefit the fish community. <br />Mr. Petrini said the water release could impact the future water supply if the release <br />becomes permanent. Mr. Petrini said the unit cost for development of new water supplies <br />for the urban service area would be in the range of $0.5 to $5 per gallon. <br /> <br /> Responding to questions from Mr. Toscano, Mr. Petrini said that the water supply <br />study will be completed in another year and there should be sufficient information on the <br />cost at that time in order to make a permanent decision about the water release. Mr. <br />Petrini said that RWSA staff would recommend that the water release be stopped prior to <br />the reservoir becoming too low if the release is approved. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked what the recovery time would be if the release was stopped, <br />and Mr. Petrini' said that was unknown. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox asked what process will be used to evaluate if the xvater release is having <br />an effect, and Mr. Petrini said the consultant will conduct a review before and after the <br />release. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked if it would be possible to vary the release so that it is the same as <br />the flow coming into the other reservoirs, and Mr. Petrini said the release can be varied, <br />but it is more expensive to do so. Mr. Petrini said the Department of Game and Fishery <br />can advise on varying the release to mimic nature. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox asked if water conservation is not one way to reduce the need for new <br />water sources, and Mr. Petrini said that new sources will still be needed. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said she is aware of conservation efforts in the City, but asked what <br />is happening in Albemarle County, and Mr. Petrini said he does not have the specifics of <br />the County's efforts as that is done by the Albemarle County Service Authority. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jack Marshall, Chair of the RWSA, said he feels the issue is how to balance <br />Water for human needs versus environmental needs, and cautioned against confusing <br />plans for what is being proposed regarding the water release with the larger water supply <br />issue. <br /> <br />The public hearing was opened. <br /> <br /> Ms. Karen FkehoCk, 707 Avon Street, Vice Chair ofthe Friends of the Rivers of <br />Virginia, said the group has adopted a resolution requesting support of the water release. <br />Ms. Firehock said she is part of the state-wide monitoring program in the Moorman's <br />River, which has shown reduce aquatic organisms as a result of dry conditions. <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Bennett, who lives along the Moorman's River, speaking on behalf of the <br />Friends of the Moorman's River, supported the experimental water release as he sees the <br />regular drying up of the river. <br /> <br /> <br />