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Ms. Katie Hobbs, Chair of the League of Women Voters Natural Resources <br />Committee, said that the water supply is important, but the water release is also <br />important, and recommended the higher water release .of 800,000 gallons. <br /> <br /> Ms. Leslie Middteton, 1608 Oxford Road, endorsed the water release in order to <br />protect the overall health of the tributaries, and also urged Council to continue to find <br />ways to conserve water. <br /> <br /> Mi. John Hermsmeier, Albemarle County resident, speaking on behalf of the <br />Environmental Education Center, supported the water release, and said it is important to <br />understand the relationship between the tributaries. <br /> <br />The public hearing was closed. <br /> <br /> Mi. O'Connell said that staffrecommend a water release of 400,000 gallons, with <br />the provision that if the reservoir level falls below 80% capacity that the release will be <br />stopped. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano asked if it is contemplated that this issue will come back to Council <br />after it is evaluated, and Mi. O'Conneli said that the RWSA will continue to monitor the <br />situation, and if issues arise, he will bring it back to Council. Mr. O'Connell said that the <br />larger water supply issue will come back to Council. <br /> <br /> MI. Gouldman asked when the six month release period will begin, and Mi. <br />Petrini said the release will occur in approximately 10 days and the six months will begin <br />at that time. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked if it will come back to Council after the trial period, and Mi. <br />O'Connell said Council can give direction to the Authority members. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch asked if it is possible to make a proportional flow rather than a fixed <br />flow, and MI. Petrini said a variable release could be recommended after working with <br />the Department of Game and Fishery, and this could be taken back to the RWSA. <br /> <br /> MI. Cox made a motion to approve the resolution approving a six-month <br />experimental water release of 400,000 gallons, and Mr. Toscano seconded the motion, <br />and it was approved by the following vote. Ayes: MI. Caravati, MI. Cox, MI. Lynch, <br />Ms. Richards, MI. Toscano. Noes: None. <br /> <br />Mi. Cox said he assumes that reports on monitoring will be forthcoming. <br /> <br /> Mi. Lynch asked if the work to remedy water leakage in the City will result in a <br />savings equal to the amount to be released. Mi. Lynch said he thinks we need to look at <br />what we are needing the new water supply for, and said he would like to see the release <br />increase to up to 800,000 gallons per day, <br /> <br />PUBLIC HEARING: RAGGED MOUNTAIN TENANT LEASE <br />ORDINANCE <br /> <br /> Mi. Gouldman said the ordinance will authorize the tenant lease for the <br />caretaker's house at Ragged Mountain. <br /> <br /> The public hearing was opened, but as there were no speakers, the public hearing <br />was closed. <br /> <br /> On motion by Mi. Toscano, seconded by Ms. Richards, the ordinance entitled <br />"AN ORDINANCE APPROVING LEASE AGREEMENT FOR RAGGED <br />MOUNTAIN RESERVOIR TENANT HOUSE" was offered and carried over to the next <br />meeting for consideration. <br /> <br /> <br />