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t53 <br /> <br />ORDINANCE: REZONING 916 GROVE STREET AND 911 KING STREET FROM <br />R-IA TO TRANSITION ZONE <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Tolbert, Director of Neighborhood Planning and Development Services, <br />explained that the rezoning, which was deferred from July, will allow room to develop <br />property in conjunction with adjoining property. Mr. Tolbert said that Council had asked <br />that the developer meet with th~ neighborhood association, and he has done so four times. <br />Mr. Tolbert said that the neighborhood has indicated they would like to have a design <br />charrette before the rezoning is approved. Mr. Tolbert said the applicant is willing to <br />hold the charrette, but would tike to move forward with the rezoning. Mr. Tolbert noted <br />that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Cox, Mr. Tolbert said it is his understanding <br />that the neighborhood wants to have a design eharrette, but did not necessarily oppose the <br />rezoning. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said he appreciates the developer's effort to enter into a dialogue with the <br />neighborhood, and has been somewhat impressed that the neighborhood has not been <br />supportive as he feels a groundsweI1 of public support is needed in these kinds of <br />projects. Mr. Cox said he expects this has to do with issues of loss ofhomeownership, an <br />issue he feels Council should be sensitive to, and he hopes that as residential <br />development is explored, that homeownership is considered. Mr. Cox said he feels <br />comfortable moving forward and is hopeful that it can be a win/win situation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch thanked the developer for his effort with the neighborhood, and said he <br />thinks the neighborhood has concerns that there is no specific site plan in place. Mr. <br />Lynch said he feels confident that the neighborhood will feel better al[er a design <br />charrette. As a compromise, Mr. Lynch suggested extending the transition zone to I00 <br />feet and once the neighborhood has a chance to look at the complete site plan, extend the <br />rezoning to the 140 feet. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox asked what difference such a eompromise would make, and Mr. Lynch <br />said he understands that the existing 70 feet of transition zone is not enough space to <br />develop. <br /> <br /> Mr. Gouldman said that under the zoning process in Virginia, Council could grant <br />zoning for less property than requested, but said that the first step is the rezoning, then the <br />site plan, which would be driven by guidelines, not a design charrette. Mr. Gouldman <br />said that Council should consider the rezoning on its merits. <br /> <br /> Mr. Cox said that when the boundaries of the transition zone were def'med, the <br />intention was not just to get facades, but to recreate some developable lots. Mr. Cox said <br />the applicant's intent is very much in keeping with the intention of the transition zone, <br />and he thinks Council should go forward and continue its commitment to the best <br />possible development. <br /> <br />Mr. Lynch asked if Council should be looking at extending the transition zone. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said there is only one other piece of property as narrow as the one <br />being considered. <br /> <br /> Mr. Toscano said he hopes this will be addressed by the Planning Commission <br />during the Comprehensive Plan process. <br /> <br /> Ms. Richards said she sees the transition zone as empOwering the neighborhood to <br />participate. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said the goal of the transition zone is to bring in more neighborhood <br />participation, but not much is mandated in the ordinance. Mr. Lynch said he will support <br />the rezoning, but will be watching it very carefully as other properties could be affected <br />in the future. <br /> <br /> <br />