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11/3/2017 10:32:56 AM
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11/3/2017 10:32:53 AM
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4 Ms. Nancy Carpenter, Rose Hill neighborhood, said the wind chill is 19 degrees outside tonight. Unsheltered constituents do not have access to the warm room anymore, which was a space that was devoted for evenings when temperatures are critical and was made available when shelters were full, or to those not comfortable accessing them . She said this should not be a hard problem to solve , and s he volunteer ed to help. Mr. Paul Long, 1410 Gra dy Ave., apologized for cutting his rally short due to the cold. He said he is cynical of the new Council and of the Mayor especially because of how much money he raised during his campaign, particularly from big business donors. Council has done nothing t o expand public transportation, even though they were given the authority to form a public transit authority with the County in 2009. All routes should be running on Sundays and legal holidays. Mr. Brandon Collins, 418 Fairway Ave., said Council should establish priorities based on transparency and a willi ngness to confront severe crises in the City , such as affordable housing . There has been very little change for low -income renters in the City of Charlottesville. He said there has not been much headway on racial disparity in the four years we have been talking about it. Public housing i s in dire need of redevelopment and should be a priority. Ms. Lena Seville, 808 Altavista Ave., congratulated the new Councilors. She thanked Mr. Bellamy for stating co mmun ity engagement as a priority. She said affordable housing for low wage workers is needed to encourage a more diverse and stable community. She announced a rally on January 10 for Bernie Sanders at City Space. Mr. Rolf Brau n, 1120 E. High St., said C ouncil ors ha ve a lot of depth of experience, and it is C ouncil's responsibility to take the issues people bring forth seriously instead of ordering studies. Ms. Rebecca Quinn, 104 4th St., said she is not thrilled by statements of anticipated unity by thi s body. We have a diversity of issues, and discussion and debate is the path to good decisions. S he said she is pleased that Rivanna announced they will start accepting compostable kitchen scraps. She encouraged residents to collect their kitchen scraps an d use the Rivanna drop -off center so that it will be worth their time and money to keep the program running. Mr. Louis Shultz, 1809 E. Market St., said development interests paid over $50,000 in raised money. There is no opposition party on Council . He r eviewed several ordinances that he believed Council and staff have violated. COUNCIL RESPONSE TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC Mr. Fenwick said w e encourage children to watch Council meetings and encouraged speakers to be mindful of their language . He said we should add "repair" to the “reduce, reuse, recycle ” motto . We should address fines about speeding in neighborhoods , and he asked drivers to slow down in the City. He said w e should address distracted driving issues in an affordable way.
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