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5 Mr. Bellamy thanked God, his pastor and his mother for their influences in his life. He said t ransparency is important, and when decisions are made we have no problem discussing them as long as it is within our legal rights to do so. He stated why he voted for Mr. Signer for Mayor and said he would be happy to speak with Mr. Fogel further. He said we are prepared to deal with the issues Ms. Walker and Ms. Carpenter addressed. These issues have plagued us for decades, and we will have to work together to change them over time . Ms. Szakos said she has been impressed with those who speak to Councilors about what is important to them. This Council has expressed a strong commitment to move forward on these issues, and over the past six years we have seen some real momentum. The County would have to go in with us on a transit authority, and they have not agreed to do that. Part of our discussions in closed session is so that we do not put personal matters out in the public. We are a City Manager /weak Mayor form of government. Thi s means the role of Mayor is to run the meetings and set the agendas, but he or she does not have special powers. Councilors who have been s erving on boards and commission s are generally given first rights , then the remaining go to Councilors who ha ve particular interests. Ms. Galvin said Chip Boyles, TJPDC Director, has been charged by the PACC to investigate how to better coordinate JAUNT and the City's CAT service. This is the first step towards improved regional service. Both bodies are intere sted in moving towards a cost -efficient solution. She asked Mr. Jones if we have warm rooms a t PACEM and the Moore Center. Mr. Jones said the Salvation Army usually provides warm rooms as well, and staff will look into this. S he sa id the Mayor 's role is to capitalize on the skills, talents and expertise of this governing body, and we are our own best resource for each other. We are committed to working together and implementing the many p riorities we have ; t his is going to be a very b ig year for the City. Mr. Bellamy asked Mr. Brown to follow up on Mr. Shultz ’s concerns regarding the Mayor’s election and Mr. Jones's contract. Mr. Signer said there were a number of specific policy issues that came up during public comment. Council plans to discus s their rules and procedures . CONSENT AGENDA a. Minutes for December 21 b. APPROPRIATION: Additional Funding for Benefits Programs - $89,548 (c arried ) Additional Funding for Benefits P rograms c. RESOLUTION: 2016 Council Meeting Schedule 2016 Council Meeting Schedule d. RESOLUTION: Refund of Tax Payment to Natvarlal Patel 140 Emmet St (Excel Inn) - $3,769
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