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7 REPORT : PARKS AND RECREATION UPDATE Parks and Recreation Update Mr. Daly presented to Council , highlighting a few programs and presenting the results of the City's investment in the community over the past few years. Mr. Doug Ehman , Parks Division Manager, presented to Council , review ing the Parks Division primary core functions, expenditures and revenue. Mr. Vic Garber, R ecreation Di vision M anager, presented to Council , report ing on the primary functions of the recreation division, expenditures and revenues. Mr. Daly reviewed recent improvements in the City's park system, including the recent opening of the disk golf course, new garden plots at Rives Park, Azalea Park master plan implementati on, Tonsler Park master plan implementation, and work on implementation of the master plan for the east side of McIntire Park. The department also has plans to update t he existing n eeds assessment, which is now ten years old. Council took a brief recess at 9:02 p.m. and returned to open session at 9:15 p.m. Ms. Galvin recommended a cost/acre metric for new parks, taking acquisition cost into a ccount. Ms. Galvin asked how often the difference in fees between City and Co unty residents is reviewed; Mr. Daly said staff conducts a n annual fee re view . Mr. Daly confirmed that the parking issue during swim meets has been resolved. Ms. Galvin asked for an update on the status of the Ragged Mountain Trails and the bio -blitz. Mr. Ehman said this will likely be ready for Council ’s review in the summer. Mr. Fenwick asked about replacement costs for the picnic shelters at McIntire Park. Mr. Ehman said staff is estimating $75,000 each . Mr. Fenwick r equested that the budgetary impact in C ouncil ’s materials reflect the cost of everything reviewed in the reports. Ms. Szakos s aid the Parks and Recreation programs in the City have touched her life in ma n y ways over the years she has lived here. A t Ms. Szakos ’ request, Mr. Daly reviewed the current tree canopy goals and actuals . H e confirmed t hat t rees have been planted strategi cally in low tree canopy areas throughout the C i ty in the past six years. Ms. Szakos r equested that staff look into providing a women -only swim time at Smith Pool to accommodate r eligious and traditional needs of community members. Councilors voiced their support f or such a solution.