<br />Sec. 150. Encroachments on streets.
<br />In every case of an encroachment upon a street by a building,
<br />wall, fence or other structure, the City Manager may require the
<br />owner or maintainer thereof to remove the same. For failure to
<br />make such removal in the time ordered the Civil and Police jus-
<br />tice may impose a penalty of $5.00 for each day said failure shall
<br />continue thereafter, and may cause such encroachment to be re-
<br />moved at the risk and cost of the party in default.
<br />Sec. 151. Entrances on sidewalks to cellars and area
<br />ways prohibited.
<br />No entrances in sidewalks to cellars or area ways shall here-
<br />after be permitted.
<br />Every cellar or area which opens in a sidewalk shall have such
<br />opening covered with substantial metal grating, rough -surface
<br />metal, or metal and glass, which shall be flush with the pave-
<br />ment; and no such opening to any existing cellar or area shall be
<br />recovered, nor shall the covering thereof be repaired or renewed
<br />except with such material and in such manner as above required.
<br />The entrance to every cellar which opens in a sidewalk shall be
<br />covered with two doors of equal width, without joints and so
<br />constructed when closed that they shall be flush with the pave-
<br />ment, and when open shall each stand upright and at right angles
<br />to the pavement and be held in such position by connecting bars
<br />or chains at the end of said doors nearest the curb -line. No cel-
<br />lar door shall be allowed to fall back or lie flat -upon the street or
<br />side walk, nor to remain open any longer than necessary and
<br />while in actual use. The owner or occupant of any house the
<br />cellar or area to which does not conform to the requirements of
<br />this section who shall, after notification by the City Manager,
<br />fail or refuse to comply with its provisions, be fined $5.00 each
<br />day such violation continues. Any person violating the other
<br />provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $2.00 nor
<br />more than $10.00 for each offense.
<br />Sec. 152. Coal and fuel holes in sidewalks.
<br />No opening in a street or sidewalk for fuel or coal hole shall
<br />exceed 18 inches in diameter. Such opening shall bg covered
<br />with a substantial metal cover with a rough surface placed flush
<br />with the surface of the sidewalk. Such fuel or coal holes here-
<br />after constructed shall be in accordance with plans first approved
<br />by the City Manager and shall not be constructed until a written
<br />permit shall have been obtained from the City Manager.
<br />The owner or occupant of any building, the fuel or coal hole
<br />to which does not conform to this section, or the owner, user or
<br />lessor of any such fuel or coal hole, who shall, after notification
<br />by the City Manager, fail or refuse to comply with its provisions,
<br />shall be fined $5.00 for each day such violation continues. Any
<br />person violating the other provisions of this section shall be fined
<br />$5.00 for each offense.
<br />Sec. 153. Cellar, vault and coal hole openings.
<br />Every cellar, vault, fuel or coal hole opening in a sidewa:k
<br />shall be kept closed and the cover thereof securely fastened, ex-
<br />cept when the same shall be actually in use by some person im-
<br />mediately attending the same. The owner or occupant of the
<br />building shall be responsible for any damage to persons or prop-
<br />erty caused by any cellar, vault or coal hole opening. For a vio-
<br />lation of this section the penalty shall be $5.00 for each offense,
<br />if it be committed in the daytime, and $10.00 if the same be after
<br />nightfall.
<br />If any one wilfully or maliciously open or cause to be opened
<br />any such cellar, vault or coal hole opening in a sidewalk whereby
<br />safety of users of the sidewalk is endangered he shall, upon con-
<br />viction, he fined not less than $5.00 nor more than $15.00, or im-
<br />prisoned in the City jail for not more than thirty days, or both,
<br />and shall also be liable for damage or injury resulting from such
<br />acts.
<br />Sec. 154. Coal.
<br />Whenever coal is handled or transported over or about any
<br />sidewalk in the City, the person having such work done shall,
<br />within one hour after such work is completed, have all particles
<br />of coal or dust swept or removed from the sidewalk. Any per-
<br />son violating the provision of this section shall be fined $2.50 for
<br />each offense.
<br />Sec. 155. Areas, cellars, etc.—defective covers.
<br />Whenever the owner or occupant of any building to which is
<br />attached any area, cellar, vault, fuel or coal hole opening in the
<br />sidewalk shall be notified by the City Manager that the covering
<br />thereof is insecure or dangerous it shall be his duty at once to
<br />repair the same. For failure to do so within five days, he shall
<br />be fined $5.00; and for each day of default after the expiration
<br />of said five days, he shall be fined a like sum. And, provided
<br />further, that in case of failure to repair within five days, the City
<br />Manager may cause such repairs to be made at the cost of the
<br />City, and the cost thereof, with twenty per centum additional as
<br />a fine, shall be collected of the party in default in like manner as
<br />fines and assessments are collected. The owner and occupant of
<br />such building shall be responsible for damages to persons or
<br />property caused by such defective covers.
<br />Sec. 156. Drippings from buildings, eaves and gutters.
<br />All buildings the eaves of which project over the sidewalk
<br />shall be provided with gutters so that there shall be no dripping
<br />from the eaves upon the sidewalk. All gutters, the waters from
<br />which empty upon a street or sidewalk, shall be so constructed
<br />as to discharge such water only at or below the surface of the
<br />ground. The owner or occupant of any house not complying
<br />with the requirements of this section, shall be fined, not less than
<br />$1.00 nor more than $5.00 for each day such violation shall con-
<br />tinue after notification by the City Manager or Chief of Police
<br />to remedy the fault.
<br />Sec. 157. Drainage from lots, gutters or spouts.
<br />No water from any lot, gutter or spout shall be permitted to
<br />flow across the footway of any street except in a covered drain,
<br />the cover of which shall not be above the surface of such foot-
<br />way. Said drain shall be of sufficient capacity to convey the
<br />water to be discharged by it, and shall be built and kept open and
<br />in good repair by the owner or occupant of the premises whence
<br />it proceeds.
<br />Any person violating this section shall be fined not less than
<br />$1.00 nor more than $5.00 for each day such violation shall be
<br />permitted to continue after notice by the City Manager or Chief
<br />of Police to abate the same. And provided further, that in case
<br />of failure to comply with the order of the City Manager or Chief
<br />of Police, within five days, the City Manager may cause the con-
<br />struction to be made at the cost of the City, and the cost thereof,
<br />with 20 per centum additional as a fine, shall be collected of the
<br />party in default in like manner as fines and assessments are col-
<br />lected.
<br />Sec. 158. Snow -breaks.
<br />Buildings which are located on the line of any street shall be
<br />provided with suitable snow -breaks or guards on the side next
<br />to such street. The owner or occupant of any house who shall
<br />fail to comply with this section, after being notified by the City
<br />Manager shall be fined $5.00 for each day such failure shall con-
<br />tinue.
<br />Sec. 159. (;Fates and doors.
<br />Every gate or door built or constructed in any fence or wall
<br />standing on the line of any street (except doors to public build-
<br />ings which are required to be hung so as to open outward), shall
<br />be hung so as to open inward. Any violation of the provisions
<br />of this section shall subject the offender to a fine of $1.00 for
<br />each day said offense shall continue after notice by the City Man-
<br />ager to abate the same.
<br />Sec. 160. Sidewalk crossings and entrances.
<br />Whenever in order to provide for an entrance to any property
<br />it is necessary to cross a sidewalk or drainage ditch it shall be
<br />the duty of the owner of the property at his own expense to pro-
<br />vide an entrance approved by the City Manager: (a) For the
<br />crossing of any drainage ditch the owner shall provide a pipe or
<br />conduit of such size and length as may be specified by the City
<br />Manager, such pipe or conduit to be placed or installed by the
<br />City, (b) For the crossing of any sidewalk or curb which has
<br />been previously constructed, the owner shall remove and replace
<br />so much of the sidewalk and/or curb as may be necessary to pro-
<br />vide a suitable entrance subject to the supervision and inspec-
<br />tion of the City Manager and no such entrance shall be con-
<br />structed until a written permit has been obtained from the City
<br />Manager.
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