<br />Sec. 161. Vehicles on pavements.
<br />No person shall, except on such pavement and at such places
<br />as are provided for in the preceding section, drive a vehicle or
<br />ride upon a sidewalk. Nor shall any person permit a vehicle to
<br />stand on a sidewalk or upon a street crossing. The fine for vio-
<br />lating this section shall be $1.00 for each offense.
<br />Sec. 162. Trucks, etc., on sidewalks.
<br />No person shall use any truck, wheelbarrow, bicycle or hand-
<br />cart on any sidewalk, except in receiving or delivering goods
<br />across the same. Any one violating this section shall be fined
<br />$2.00.
<br />Sec. 168. Electric signs.
<br />(1) Any person, firm, or corporation desiring to erect and
<br />maintain an electric sign over any sidewalk, street, avenue, or
<br />alley, shall make application for the privilege so to do, to the
<br />City Manager, on printed forms to be furnished therefor.
<br />(2) Upon applicant's compliance with the following require-
<br />ments, the City Manager shall issue to the applicant a construc-
<br />tion permit, limited to a period of construction only. The corn
<br />struction and installation of all electric signs shall conform to
<br />the rules and requirements of the National Board of Fire Under-
<br />writers for the installation of wiring and apparatus for electric
<br />light, heat and power and for the construction and installation
<br />of electric signs and displays and in addition to such further re-
<br />quirements as are incorporated in this section. The City Man-
<br />ager shall, upon being notified of the completion of such sign,
<br />cause an inspection of same to be made, and if such sign has been
<br />constructed in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance
<br />and is approved by the City Electrician, he shall then issue an
<br />electrical permit without cost for the operation and maintenance
<br />of such signs, until revoked, and the use of electric current pre-
<br />vious to the issuance of an electrical permit is prohibited. No
<br />alteration shall be made on any sign erected or maintained under
<br />authority of this section unless all the provisions of this section
<br />are fully complied with and a permit issued for alteration.
<br />(3) No permit required for the construction, erection or main -
<br />F_
<br />from the building, or wall, measured from the extreme projec-
<br />tion of the sign to the nearest face of the wall or building.
<br />(10) Other signs erected by authority of this section and over
<br />hanging any sidewalk, street, avenue, or alley, must be placed
<br />at least nine feet above the sidewalk, street, avenue, or alley.
<br />(11) No sign shall be supported, anchored or braced to the
<br />wooden beams or other framework of a building. Wooden sup-
<br />ports or braces will not be permitted.
<br />(12) No sign (other than sky signs) shall be constructed or
<br />erected having more than 50 square feet of surface and all signs
<br />shall be designed to withstand a wind pressure of at least 30
<br />pounds per square foot of surface.
<br />(13) No sky sign shall be erected within the fire limits unless
<br />constructed entirely of metal, including the supports and braces
<br />for same, and no sky sign shall project beyond the building
<br />line. Within the fire limits no sky sign shall be supported, an-
<br />chored or braced to the wooden beams or other framework of
<br />a building. Sky signs shall be set back at least 8 feet from the
<br />cornice or walls; on a street front, shall not project more than
<br />two feet above the roof of the building and shall have a space at
<br />least 6 feet in height between the bottom of the sign and the roof.
<br />(14) No part of a sign, support or brace, shall be so placed
<br />as to interfere with the ingress or egress from the windows or
<br />doors in case of fire. Every electric sign shall be provided with
<br />an electric switch on the outside of the building for use in case
<br />of fire.
<br />(15) In addition to complying to the provisions of this sec-
<br />tion above, all signs erected and maintained under and by au-
<br />thority of this section are subject to such mechanical require-
<br />ments as the City Manager may set forth or exact.
<br />(16) If the owner of any electric sign discontinue business
<br />at the place where the sign is located, such sign shall be taken
<br />down, at the expense of the owner, within ten days after such
<br />dicontinuance of business, and shall not be erected elsewhere in
<br />the City except in conformity with the provisions of this section.
<br />(17) No electric sign shall be used by anyone except by the
<br />person, firm or corporation erecting the same, except with the
<br />written consent of the City Manager.
<br />(18) As a condition of the permission to erect, construct, or
<br />maintain any sign covered by this section, the property owner,
<br />the sign owner, and user of any such sign shall be and remain li-
<br />able for all damages and injuries caused by the construction,
<br />maintenance or use of such signs, to persons or property, and
<br />shall also indemnify and save harmless the City of Charlottes-
<br />ville against all damages, it may sustain in any manner by the
<br />reason of the construction, maintenance, or use of any sign
<br />erected, constructed, or maintained over, on or in any street,
<br />sidewalk, park or public place in the City. Provided that any
<br />applicant for a permit to erect and maintain such sign where the
<br />property owner refuses to agree to indemnify the City as above
<br />provided may in lieu of such agreement by such owner, file an
<br />indemnifying bond with some Surety Company authorized to do
<br />business in this State as surety thereon in the penalty of $10,000.00
<br />and properly conditioned for the protection of the City.
<br />(19) Unless existing signs are specifically mentioned, the pro-
<br />visions of this section shall apply only to signs hereinafter
<br />erected or altered.
<br />(20) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine
<br />of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for each day
<br />the violation continues.
<br />Sec. 164. Obstruction of streets.
<br />No person shall obstruct a street, sidewalk, or the space verti-
<br />cally above the same, by placing therein anything whatsoever
<br />which will hinder or obstruct the passage of persons or vehicles
<br />in any manner whatsoever; any person violating this section
<br />shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $5.00 for each
<br />offense; and every hour the violation continues may, in the dis-
<br />cretion of the Civil and Police Justice, be held to be a separate of-
<br />fense; but this section shall be subject to the following limita-
<br />tions, exceptions and provisos, towit :
<br />(a) Telegraph, telephone, electric light companies and electric
<br />power furnishing companies may place such reasonable number
<br />of poles as may be requisite for their business; but said poles
<br />shall be located or moved according to the directions and under
<br />the supervision of the City Manager.
<br />(b) One-half of the street between curb lines opposite a lot
<br />upon which any building or wall is being erected, may be used
<br />tenance of any sign shall be issued until the fee of one dollar
<br />($1.00) has been paid.
<br />(4) All applications shall be signed by the property owner and
<br />permits to be issued by the City Manager shall be in writing and
<br />there shall be two originals, one of which shall be delivered to
<br />applicant and the other shall be kept on file in the office of the
<br />City Manager.
<br />(5) It shall be hereafter unlawful for any person, firm, or
<br />corporation to erect or maintain any electric sign or signs ex-
<br />cept as prescribed in this section, and to be permitted under this
<br />section, an electric sign must be composed entirely of metal, ex-
<br />cepting the lettering or advertising designs to be illuminated,
<br />which shall he composed of glass or other transparent or semi-
<br />transparent substance of sufficient thickness to be reasonably
<br />safe from easy breakage; and where the electric lights illuminat-
<br />ing said sign are concealed, there shall be at least one electric
<br />light for each letter or device on the said sign and not less than
<br />ten lights in any sign. All signs must be approved by the City
<br />Manager, and the electric lights used therein shall be not less
<br />than 40 watts each.
<br />(6) Circular or cylindrical signs of not less than 5 inches nor
<br />more than 10 inches in diameter, and not greater than 5 feet, nor
<br />less than 2% feet in height (or length) will be permitted. A
<br />sign of this type shall have within it at least one (1) 100 watt
<br />light, or the equivalent in smaller lights.
<br />(7) Miscellaneous signs: Other electric signs not provided
<br />for in the foregoing classification shall he classified by the City
<br />Manager. The City Manager shall have all electric signs in-
<br />spected at least twice a year to pass on public safety of same,
<br />and is hereby authorized to order any sign down or put in proper
<br />condition at any time it becomes a danger to public safety or fails
<br />to meet with the requirements of this section.
<br />(8) No sign, figure or ornament shall be permitted to project
<br />over any sidewalk or street further than within two feet of the
<br />curb line.
<br />(9) Circular or cylindrical signs erected under the authority
<br />of this section and over hanging any sidewalk, street, avenue or
<br />alley must be placed at least 7% feet above the sidewalk, street,
<br />avenue or alley, and at a distance of not greater than 18 inches
<br />from the building, or wall, measured from the extreme projec-
<br />tion of the sign to the nearest face of the wall or building.
<br />(10) Other signs erected by authority of this section and over
<br />hanging any sidewalk, street, avenue, or alley, must be placed
<br />at least nine feet above the sidewalk, street, avenue, or alley.
<br />(11) No sign shall be supported, anchored or braced to the
<br />wooden beams or other framework of a building. Wooden sup-
<br />ports or braces will not be permitted.
<br />(12) No sign (other than sky signs) shall be constructed or
<br />erected having more than 50 square feet of surface and all signs
<br />shall be designed to withstand a wind pressure of at least 30
<br />pounds per square foot of surface.
<br />(13) No sky sign shall be erected within the fire limits unless
<br />constructed entirely of metal, including the supports and braces
<br />for same, and no sky sign shall project beyond the building
<br />line. Within the fire limits no sky sign shall be supported, an-
<br />chored or braced to the wooden beams or other framework of
<br />a building. Sky signs shall be set back at least 8 feet from the
<br />cornice or walls; on a street front, shall not project more than
<br />two feet above the roof of the building and shall have a space at
<br />least 6 feet in height between the bottom of the sign and the roof.
<br />(14) No part of a sign, support or brace, shall be so placed
<br />as to interfere with the ingress or egress from the windows or
<br />doors in case of fire. Every electric sign shall be provided with
<br />an electric switch on the outside of the building for use in case
<br />of fire.
<br />(15) In addition to complying to the provisions of this sec-
<br />tion above, all signs erected and maintained under and by au-
<br />thority of this section are subject to such mechanical require-
<br />ments as the City Manager may set forth or exact.
<br />(16) If the owner of any electric sign discontinue business
<br />at the place where the sign is located, such sign shall be taken
<br />down, at the expense of the owner, within ten days after such
<br />dicontinuance of business, and shall not be erected elsewhere in
<br />the City except in conformity with the provisions of this section.
<br />(17) No electric sign shall be used by anyone except by the
<br />person, firm or corporation erecting the same, except with the
<br />written consent of the City Manager.
<br />(18) As a condition of the permission to erect, construct, or
<br />maintain any sign covered by this section, the property owner,
<br />the sign owner, and user of any such sign shall be and remain li-
<br />able for all damages and injuries caused by the construction,
<br />maintenance or use of such signs, to persons or property, and
<br />shall also indemnify and save harmless the City of Charlottes-
<br />ville against all damages, it may sustain in any manner by the
<br />reason of the construction, maintenance, or use of any sign
<br />erected, constructed, or maintained over, on or in any street,
<br />sidewalk, park or public place in the City. Provided that any
<br />applicant for a permit to erect and maintain such sign where the
<br />property owner refuses to agree to indemnify the City as above
<br />provided may in lieu of such agreement by such owner, file an
<br />indemnifying bond with some Surety Company authorized to do
<br />business in this State as surety thereon in the penalty of $10,000.00
<br />and properly conditioned for the protection of the City.
<br />(19) Unless existing signs are specifically mentioned, the pro-
<br />visions of this section shall apply only to signs hereinafter
<br />erected or altered.
<br />(20) Any violation of this section shall be punished by a fine
<br />of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for each day
<br />the violation continues.
<br />Sec. 164. Obstruction of streets.
<br />No person shall obstruct a street, sidewalk, or the space verti-
<br />cally above the same, by placing therein anything whatsoever
<br />which will hinder or obstruct the passage of persons or vehicles
<br />in any manner whatsoever; any person violating this section
<br />shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more than $5.00 for each
<br />offense; and every hour the violation continues may, in the dis-
<br />cretion of the Civil and Police Justice, be held to be a separate of-
<br />fense; but this section shall be subject to the following limita-
<br />tions, exceptions and provisos, towit :
<br />(a) Telegraph, telephone, electric light companies and electric
<br />power furnishing companies may place such reasonable number
<br />of poles as may be requisite for their business; but said poles
<br />shall be located or moved according to the directions and under
<br />the supervision of the City Manager.
<br />(b) One-half of the street between curb lines opposite a lot
<br />upon which any building or wall is being erected, may be used
<br />