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109 <br />AN ORDINANCE ANNE MI14"G SECTION 155 OF THE CI TY CODE: <br />BE IT OR.DAIM,BY THE COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTESVILLE,That section 155 of the City Code <br />be and is hereby amended by the addition of the following clause; <br />Sec.loo.Removing pavements and excavating in streets and alleys. <br />a. Wher either the superintendent of gas or water and sewwre departments shall <br />excavate a ut rout or sidewalk for any purpose,he shall replace the same in the same <br />condition as he found it,subject to the approval of the chairman of the street <br />committee, or,if it is not practicable for the superintendent of gas or water and <br />sevrars to make said replacement,he shall notify the foreman of the street department <br />immediately. <br />This ordinance shalhbe in force from its passagep <br />adopted Pecember 12 19120 Presented and approved December 14,1912* <br />res ent . - �,Rayo r. <br />AN MIKANCF A1-,TMTDI11G SECTI0h 400 OF TI --,E CITY CODE: <br />BE IT ORDAIEED BY THE COUNCIL OF CHARLOTTESVILLE, section 400 of the City Code <br />be and the same is hereby amended and resenacted to read as followei <br />Sec.400. CPARrFS FOR KEEPING SECTIONS IN ORDER. <br />Every owner of a section or part of a section in any cemetery of the --City shall <br />pay annually to the Treasurer on the lot* day of July the following fees, viz: <br />For a whole section,eiglit dollars half section,five dollars:quarter section,two <br />dollars and fifty cents one-eighth section,one dollar and fifty cents. <br />These fees shall be paid into the City Treasury and shall be entered on the books <br />of the City as a fund sacred to the care of the sections of said cemeteries. <br />Adcpted April 10,1913. presented and approved April 11,1913. <br />Presidents T,Fayo r. <br />AN ORDINANCE FOR IN'POSING AND COLLECTING TAXES ON LICENSES ANI) TAxhS 'FOR THE ERET?CISE OF CERTAIN <br />PRIVILFGFS within the City of Charlottesville for twelve months, commencing the first <br />day of May,1913 and ending the thirtieth day of April,1914. <br />BE IT ORDAINEI),BY THE COVIYON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CPARLOTTES'VILLE,That there <br />shall be an annual license tax assessed and paid by all per.sons,firms or corporations <br />engaged in the different occupa.ticne,p�r.ufessions or business named. in this ordinance <br />and enumerated beluw, fur th t: year beginning the lot day of r'ay,1913 , and ending the <br />30th day of April,1914. <br />1. ADVERTISING DISTRI-DUTERS. <br />Every person engaged in distributing advertisements for other;.parties than citizens <br />of Cliarlottesville,erall be known as advertising distributors, and shall pay an annual <br />license tax of twenty dollars ($20). By advertising distributors,i.t is intended to <br />designate any person who distributes in the City of C'harlottesville,almanacs,pamphlets, <br />or sarpl _�s of medicine on the streets or from house to T,ouse of Paid city. No pro rata. <br />2. AGENTS- BOOK. <br />On every agent for sale of books,maps,picturoo,p(.riodicals,pririted parphlets,or <br />canva6ev,rs for the same,other t1lan religious works,ten dollars ($10). No Fro rata. <br />YOt transferal,l e, <br />3• AGENTS - COLLECTION OR CLAIM. <br />On every person or firm acting as collecting clairr agents other than these who pay <br />a <br />license as Otto rneys at law, th a tax shall be ten dollars 1$10)0 <br />4. AGENTS FOR FOREIGN AGRICULTt1FAL ITTLETJMNTS. <br />On every person or firm acting as agents or selling foreign agricultural implements, <br />carriages,coaches and wagons, and all machinery,one 'hundred dollars ( 100) and the <br /> of Reveriue may issue such license for the unexpired portion of the year <br />at a ratable portion of the tax;pr.uvided the same shall not be less than twenty-five <br />dollars ($25). <br />5 AGENTS- LABOR# <br />On every labor agant in this city enfaged in hiring labor, twenty-five dollars ($25)0 <br />r, 6. AGESTTS - VTjS1CAL INSTRUMENTS. <br />On very person acting as agent for s <br />'or selling piano,melodians,pa,rl.or org <br />eans or other <br />l,usical inetrurr.ent8,thi"ty-fi�;e dollars ($35). <br />