<br />Every person acting as agent for the sale in this city of fertilizers manufaetur
<br />by non-resident fertilier companies, whether selling on commission or for other
<br />consideration, shall pay a specific license tax of twenty-five dollars ($25) per
<br />annum for each company represented.
<br />The license tax on real estate or land agents to do business in tris city sha11,
<br />fifty dollars ($50) and an additional tax of one-tenth of one per cent of groes ,,o,
<br />of sales; said additional tax shall be paid quarterly, and every person,firm or
<br />corporation doing business under this section is hereby required to make a detailed
<br />written report under the oath to the Commissioer of Revenue of the amount of $a181
<br />on the first day of Auhust,November ,February and Tay of each year for the three mottg
<br />preceding and pay the amount due on the dates mentioned and failure to do so ehallbi
<br />construed as doing business without a license, and shall be fined not less than
<br />nor more than $5o for each day in default.
<br />on every license to any person renting housee,farms, or other real estate,for
<br />compensation or profit the tax shall be twenty-five dollars (45).
<br />On every license to a person or firm,other than a regular licenses merchant or
<br />sewing machine agent,as provided in § 135 of the tax laws of Virginia,to sell or
<br />offer f orsale or rent sewing machines and accessories, the tax shall be twenty -fits
<br />dollars ($25)o t shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the Revenue to require
<br />of any person or firm selling or offering to sell sewing machines and accessories
<br />that the agent's certificate granted by the auditor of the State,as provided for in
<br />§ 135 of the tax Laws of Virginia, shall be produced for his inspection.
<br />The specific license tax on every resident or non-resident attorney-at-law,
<br />physician, dentist, architect, Civil engineer, surveyow,optician,occulist and veterinal
<br />surgeon,having an office or carrying onbusinese in this city shall be twenty-five
<br />dollars ($25). All persons who shall for compensation furnish plans and specificat
<br />for the erection or improvement of buildings shall be deemed architects, and all
<br />persons who examine or measure Vile eyes dor the purpose of fitting optical glasell
<br />to them shall be deemed opticiane,within the meanin if tris section. ro such lice ;
<br />shall be issued for less than twenty-five dollars (125), No Pro Rata.
<br />The specific license tax on every resident or non-resident conveyancer havings
<br />office or carrying on business in this city shall be twenty-five dollars ($25),
<br />All persons other than duly licensed attorneys-at-law,wro,for compensation or
<br />reward,shall prepare deeds, contracts,wills,or of"ner writinge,shall be deemed comq'
<br />ancers. No license shall be issued to conveyancers for lose than twenty-five d01111
<br />($25) . No pro rata.
<br />nn every auctioneer, forty dollars ($40) ,wrether he receives any compensation for
<br />his services or not. Under tris licened a person may sell any Roode,wares,nerc�
<br />dise,or other things,ex.cept real estate,horses and cattle,for the sale of which,V
<br />an auctioneer,a further license is elsewhere required.
<br />On every real estate auctioneer the tax shall be forty dollars ($40),whetherl,
<br />receives any compensation for his sergices or not. This license covers only the
<br />right to sell real estate at auction, and applies to all sales of real estate ezaa
<br />those made under a decree of court.
<br />14. AUCTIM SALES.
<br />Every person or firm who shall bring into tris city from any point beyodd itM
<br />limits a stock of goods of any kind and remain here temporarily sellinr the 060,��
<br />wholesale or retail and either at public auction or privately, shall pay, tinerefor
<br />specific license tax of five hundred dollars ($500). Not transferable. No pro rata
<br />Every person conducting a baby rack,knife rack,or like game of chance not prop
<br />by law,shall pay on each game a specific license tax of ten dollars ($10) per mo
<br />or thirty dollars ($30) per annum. Nottransferable.
<br />16, BAGATELLE.
<br />On every license permitting a bagatelle table to be kept in this city,whethet
<br />r$
<br />charge is made for playing or not,where the public is invited,the tax shall b
<br />five dollars 425) on each table.
<br />17. BAKERS.
<br />Each person or firm conducting the business of baking shall pay a specific 1
<br />tax of $25. per annum. Not transferable. No pro rata.
<br />18. BARBERS. Dae,
<br />On every license to a barber the tax shall be $5. for each chair in excess of
<br />19. BILL POSTERS* esr�
<br />Each bill poster shall pay a license tax of twenty dollars ($20) for one Y l
<br />All persons who post notices,bills and labels for compensation, shall be constog
<br />bill posters. No pro rata. Any person taking out this license may have the p
<br />fili
<br />.of distributing advdrtisements as defined in section 1.
<br />20. BILLIAFD OR POOL. four
<br />On every license to keep a billiard or pool Saloon the tax 9l1all be siXtfot
<br />thirty-two
<br />dollars ($64) for one table and an additional tax of dollars (J32) g of
<br />the second table, and sixteen dollars ($16) additional for each table in exc°a
<br />On every person or firm conducting a blacksmith shop the license tax O'sll eeio
<br />dollars 35) for the first anvil and two dollars and fifty cents ($2.50) for t
<br />additional anvil. On every person or firm conducting a wheelwright ehoP the
<br />be five dollars (W.
<br />