<br />compensation,th en sucli exhibition, after the first week,shallnot be exer?pt .from the
<br />payment of the license fee herein prescribed.
<br />73. Oils.
<br />Any person,firm or corporation vrho shall engage in the business of selling to
<br />wholesale or to both wholesale and retail merchants in this city kerosene or other
<br />illuminating oil shall pay a license tax of $75.
<br />Any person,firmor corporation who shall engage in the business of selling only to
<br />retail merchants in this city kerosene oil or other illuminating oil shall pay a
<br />license tax of $50.
<br />74. PATYNT �_EMCIYRSio
<br />On every license a person to Bell patent medicines or ot',er sucli- articles,
<br />whetter manufactured in this or any other state or territory, s'^all pay a license tax
<br />of cne hundred dollars ($100),provided this tax shall not apply to any druggist or
<br />apothecary doing business in this city,carrying a regular stock of drugs and medicines.
<br />75, PAWNB R0YER S .
<br />On every license to a pawnbroker,the speci,'ic license tax si,all be one hundred
<br />dollars 0100) for one year or fractional part thereof. Not transferable.
<br />76. PEDDLERS.
<br />Any person acting as peddler, as defined by the State Laws of Ali rgin ia, shall pay a
<br />license tax of $150. Piot transferable. No pro rata.
<br />7 7. PE1'NY ARCADE.
<br />On each person,firm or corporation conducting the business commonly known as
<br />penny arcade,wherein is sti,own or exhibited slot ma0ines for the purpose of furnishing
<br />music or exhibiting pictures,the license tax shall be fifty dollars ($50).
<br />On every license to a firm or person conducting a planir:g mill, the tax. shall be
<br />fifty dollars ($50).
<br />On every person or firm carrying on a sash,blind and door factory, the tax shall
<br />be t1-irty-five dollars ($35).
<br />But if the Y erson or firm conduct a sasr!,door and blind factory in combination with
<br />a planing mill,the tax shall to seventy-five dollars ($75)0
<br />7 9, PLTYBERS .
<br />On evert- license to a plurber the tax shall be twenty-five dollars ($25). This
<br />section scall ap?ily to all persons,firms or corporations who do plumbing,p;as-fitting,
<br />steam and hot water heating.
<br />On every license to any person or firm to conduct tte business of manufacturing or
<br />bottlingop ginger ale, or other aerated waters, the tax shall be twenty-five
<br />dollars (125.
<br />81. PRIVATE BA?T�YRS.
<br />Every person,firm or corporation conducting the business of private banker as
<br />defined by the State Tax T.aw,§77,shall pay a license tax of $100. per year.
<br />On every license to keep a house of private entertainnent, the tax shall be ten
<br />dollars ($10), and on the excess of .rental value over two hundred dollars (:200)
<br />there shall be paid an additional tax of five per cantum.
<br />T'.nis section s_nall. be construed to apply to all keepers of what is known as
<br />"boarding houses" accepting boarders or lodgers for less than one week,as defined by
<br />the State License Law governing "horses of private ent-.r.tain►nent".
<br />83. PUBLISHERS,
<br />On every nun -resident person,firm or corporation publisTling a Cit -\r directory,book,
<br />pamphlet,f.ire alarm or telephone dir�ctory,tneatrical prugram,dieplay card,desk
<br />blotter ,hot��l register or acty ot��er. medium or device,otb er than regular newspaper or
<br />periodicals anteri:d at t'. ,1e C'larlottNsville postoffiee as second*class matter,used or
<br />employed for adv-:1rtising matter of any kind other than t1lat of the person,firin or
<br />corporation issuing the same,a special license tax of twenty-five dollars ($2b).
<br />84. RAT:ROAT) TTC,,FTS.
<br />Every person buying; or selling; railroad tickets,otner than the duly authorized
<br />agent of some railroad company with a depot in this city, stall pay a license tax of
<br />twenty dollars ($20) per year or five dollars per month.
<br />85. R.ESTAITRC TS.
<br />Ser: eating houses.
<br />86. RETAILERS OF T03.kCC0,91,TUFF,etc,
<br />No person not a producer ohall be allowed to sell by retail tobacco , snuff,cigars
<br />or cit arettes,withollt Navin? obtained a specific license to do so. The sum to be paid
<br />by retall��rs of tubacco,snufflcigars or cigarettes shall be for said privilege a
<br />specific tax of five dollars 1 5�,which shall. be assedded and collected as other
<br />dssesi3ments upon licenses,but which shall not be in lieu of mer.cyiants' license on
<br />purc'iases. This section shall be construed to require of any person taking out
<br />this special license tax to sell tobacco, snuff, cigars or cigarettes a merchants'
<br />license in addition thereto based on amount of purchases.
<br />Any person selling; t,) consumers by sample,card or representation, or selling or
<br />taking orders for anyarticle other than from merchants or other persons dealing in
<br />the articles so sold, shall pay a license tax of fifteen dollars (415) for each day he
<br />barters or sells in tTlis city.
<br />88 • S'-i00TINs C,AI,:f,ERY.
<br />On every license to keepa shooting gallery ,t'ne tax shall be two dollars ($2) per. day.
<br />