<br />On a circue,menagerie,tent show,or other such like exhibition or performance
<br />the corporate limits of the city or within one mile of the same,wheth er combined or
<br />separate, the license tax shall be seventy-five dollars ($70) for the first perfo
<br />or exhibition and thirty-five dollars ($35) for each additional performance or a*j.a
<br />bition. On a side show attached to or exhibited with any circus )menagerie,tent
<br />ehoa
<br />or other such like exhibition or performance within the corporate limits of the cit
<br />or within one mile of the same, the license tax shall be twenty dollars ($20) for
<br />each performance or exhibition.
<br />90. SKATING PINK. '
<br />On ever] license to the proprietor or occupant of a room fitted up or used for
<br />roller skating purposes,the tax shall be fifty dollars ($50).
<br />91. SLOT MACHINES.
<br />On all slot machines not prollibited by law, there shall be a tax of $2.50 per
<br />annum; and the regulations applicable thereto shall be the same as are applicable to,
<br />and provided for those licensed under the State Law. (See 4139 of the Tax Laws of pe,�
<br />The specific license tax on every soda fountain shall be ten dollars ($10) for
<br />one year or fractional part thereof,
<br />on every person,whether manufacturer or not, selling upon the street or other
<br />public places, inflated balloons, plaster figures, toys, jewelry and other small art
<br />the license tax shall' be from $1. to $10s per day in the discretion of the Commie
<br />of Revenue and the Yayor, jointly. The ?payor shall, if he deem it necessary, desi
<br />the place of sale.
<br />On everyerson conducting a snack or lunch counter, the license tax shall be tea
<br />dollars ($10) per year.
<br />on every license to a person or firm to keep,for compensation any rouse, yard or
<br />lot for storage, or other impounding, the tax shall be ten dollars ($10) on each sub
<br />house, yard or lot.
<br />Each person or firm conducting the business of tailoring or eallinF suits or d
<br />by sample shall be deemed a merchant and subject to § 67 of this ordinance.
<br />On every telegraph eompany,agent or officer thereof, the tax shall be one hundri
<br />dollars ($100) , for the privilege of carrying on telegraph business between this sat
<br />other points in the State of Virginia. But if there be more than one cor,:; any doing
<br />business in this city, then the tax shall be sixty-five dollars (465) each for such
<br />privilege.
<br />On each telephone company the license tax shall be one per cent of the gross NCO
<br />of such
<br />copanys o The gross receipts on which percentage is charged shall include O
<br />p service kn wn as mutual,all revenues derived from long distance service, sad
<br />all moneys derived from the use of the switch board by local lines, This license to
<br />shall be assessable and payable in like manner as that of the state.
<br />On every proprietor of a public or;private building kept or used exclusively for
<br />any theatrical or similar exhibition,performanee or pahorama, variety show or other
<br />entertainment ( whether any charge is made for admission thereto or not ), the lie'
<br />tax shall be one hundred dollars ($100) per year.
<br />100. TIMTRICALS.
<br />On every theatrial performance or any performance similar thereto panorama orb'
<br />public performance or exhibition of any kind ( except such as may be given in the
<br />T3ra, Tfouse) there shall be paid five dollars ($5) for the first and ti-ree dollars
<br />) for each additional performance.
<br />Any person or firm,other than a rep!ular licensed merchant selling in this city'
<br />typewriting machines, Shall pay a specific license tax of twenty dollars ($20) per
<br />year. -No pro rata.
<br />102. UNDERTAKERS.
<br />An undertaker shall pay for the privilege of transecting such business a OPeci1
<br />license tax of fifty dollars ($50).
<br />103. VEHICLES. 10�
<br />On every two -horse hack,phaeton,omnibus or drag used for tire, ten dollars
<br />On every one-horse buggy ,phaeton,surry,drag, used for hire, five dollarta ($fls1e�
<br />On every two -horse wagon or dray,with or without springe,used for Mrs 3i0t dol
<br />On every one-horse wagon, dray or cart, used for hire, six dollars (�f� )• issued
<br />Any person desiring to surrender a license for a one-horse vehicle and have
<br />therefor a license for a two -horse vehicle, shall be entitled to a credit for t''e
<br />unexpired part of the license surrendered. out tot
<br />Any person, non-resident, hauling goods, or letting hie vehicle or veT,icles
<br />hire on the public streets of t'kis city, shall be held liable under this ordinsn bar
<br />Every licensed carriage ,hack,wagon or other vehicle shall have its license n
<br />plainly marked on metal or other material and placed on the rear face of the rear
<br />axle thereof, or other conspicuous place.
<br />Such license number Oall be supplied by the Commissioner. of Revenuee
<br />a0
<br />e
<br />It shall be unlawful to transfer a tag from one vehicle to another, except in c
<br />of a vehicle being temporarily disabled.
<br />