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108. Telegraph Companies. <br />On telegraph companies or agents each for business done <br />between this and other points within the State of Virginia, <br />and not including any business done to or from points without <br />the state, and not including business in which messages al- <br />though to or from points within this state, pass through ter- <br />ritory without this state, and not including any business clone <br />for the government of the United States, its officers or agents, <br />a license tax of one hundred dollars shall be paid. Provided <br />that any company taxed under this section whose receipts do <br />not exceed three thousand dollars ($3000) per annum, the tax <br />shall be fifty dollars ($50) . <br />109. Telephone Companies. <br />On each telephone company the license tax shall be one per <br />cent. on the gross receipts of such company. The gross re- <br />ceipts on which percentage is charged shall include all phone <br />service known as mutual, all revenues derived from long dis- <br />tance service, and all moneys derived from the use of the <br />switch board by local lines. <br />This license tax shall be assessable and payable in like man- <br />ner as that of the state. <br />110. Theatres and Public Rooms. <br />On every proprietor of a public or private building kept or <br />used exclusively for any theatrical or similar performance, <br />panorama or public exhibition, variety show or other enter- <br />tainment ( whether any charge is made for admission thereto <br />or not) , the license tax shall be one hundred dollars ($100) <br />per year. Houses paying the tax as prescribed in either sec- <br />tion 78 or 111 shall not be subject to this tax. <br />111. Theatricals. <br />On every theatrical performance or any performance sim- <br />ilar thereto, panorama or any public performance or exhibi- <br />tion of any kind there shall be paid five dollars ($5) for the <br />first and three dollars ($3) for each additional performance; <br />or $15 per week of a continuance performance, or in lieu there- <br />of $150 for the exhibitions therein for one year. <br />112. Trading Stamps. <br />The specific license tax on every person, firm or corpora- <br />tion, whether acting for himself or as an agent for another, to <br />engage in selling trading stamps, or another device for the <br />same purpose, to any persons, firms or incorporated companies <br />doing business in this city, shall be two hundred and fifty dol- <br />lars ($250), payable in advance, and in addition thereto, a tax <br />of $250 on any person, firm or corporation using them. <br />113. Typewriting Machines. <br />Any person or firm, other than a regular licensed merchant, <br />selling in this city, typewriting machines, shall pay a specific <br />license tax of twenty dollars ($20) for one year. No tro rata. <br />114. Undertakers. <br />An undertaker shall pay for the privilege of transacting <br />such business a special license tax of one hundred dollars <br />($100) ; provided that if the gross receipts of the business do <br />not exceed twenty-five hundred dollars the tax shall be fifty <br />dollars ($50) . <br />118. Vehicles. <br />On every two -horse hack, phaeton, omnibus or drag used <br />for hire, ten dollars ($10) . <br />On every one-horse buggy, phaeton, surrey, dray, used for <br />hire, five dollars ($5). <br />On every two -horse wagon or dray, with or without springs, <br />used for hire, eight dollars ($8) . <br />On every one-horse wagon, dray or cart, used for hire, six <br />dollars ($6). <br />On every automobile used for hire, twenty dollars ($20) . <br />Garages paying the license tax as provided in section 50 of this <br />ordinance shall not be liable to this license. <br />Any person desiring to surrender a license for a one-horse <br />vehicle and have issued therefor license for a two -horse ve- <br />hicle, shall be entitled to a credit for the unexpired part of the <br />license surrendered. <br />Any person, non-resident, hauling goods, or letting his ve- <br />hicle or vehicles out for hire on the public streets of this city, <br />shall be held liable under this ordinance. <br />Presented and approved March 21,1.921. <br />lAyo r, <br />Every licensed carriage, hack, wagon or other vehicle, shall <br />have its license number plainly marked on metal or other ma- <br />terial and placed on the rear face of the rear axle thereof, or <br />other conspicuous place. <br />Such license number shall be supplied by the Commissioner <br />of Revenue. <br />1t shall be unlawful to transfer a tag from one vehicle to <br />another, except in case of a vehicle being- temporarily disabled. <br />The Chief of Police is hereby designated Wagon Inspector <br />and it shall be his duty to see that all vehicles for which a li- <br />cense is required under this section shall have their numbers <br />properly displayed, and if any vehicle be found without such <br />number it shall be his duty to ascertain the name of the owner <br />and require said license to be procured under penalty as pro- <br />vided in the general provisions of this ordinance. And in all <br />cases where the number is not properly displayed the delin- <br />quent shall be fined not less than $1.50 nor more than $5.00. <br />In the discharge of the duty thus imposed the Chief shall <br />have authority to call to his aid the several members of his <br />force. <br />General Provisions. <br />116. A like license shall be required of any firm, joint stock <br />company or corporation as provided for in this ordinance for <br />a person or firm. <br />117. The Tax I,aws of Virginia shall be the authority for <br />interpreting the subjects as taxed under this ordinance, in so <br />far as it may contain similar subjects. <br />118. On every license for which a tax shall not have been <br />provided for in this ordinance, the tax shall he the same as <br />that required by the State Tax haws. <br />119. Any person, firm or corlwration, conducting a busi- <br />ness, occupation or profession for the conduct of which a li- <br />cense tax is required under this, ordinance, without first ob- <br />taining such license, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and shall <br />be fined not less than $2.50 nor more than $10 for each day <br />he is in default. it shall be the duty of the Commissioner of <br />Revenue and 'Treasurer to report in writing to the Mayor ev- <br />ery case of default as soon as it comes to his knowledge and <br />the Commissioner of Revenue shall also report to the Finance <br />Committee the name, location and business of every person in <br />default ; and if there be no default he shall so report. And it <br />shall be the duty, of the Mayor, immediately upon receipt of <br />such report, to detail a policeman, and c;iuse such delinquent <br />to be summoned before the Police Justice ti) show cause why <br />they should not be fined under provisions of this ordinance. <br />But the special detail of a policeman shall not relieve the gen- <br />eral force from the general duty of enforcing this or any other <br />ordinance; and the Mayor shall especially see that all the re- <br />quirements of this ordinance are enforced, and to this end he <br />shall, at least once a month, especially require the police force <br />to investigate violations of this ordinance. <br />120. The Commissioner of the Revenue shall receive for <br />each license issued by him a fee of seventy-five cents, to be <br />paid by the party to whom said license is issued. <br />121. It shall be the duty of the Commissioner of the Reve- <br />nue to keep a book, in which he shall classify all the branches <br />of business and occupation upon which a license is imposed <br />by this ordinance, and show the amount of assessment made <br />upon each license, the name of the person assessed, and the pe- <br />riod for which such license was issued. <br />On the first clay of December, March, June and September <br />of each year he shall deliver to the Finance Committee ex- <br />tracts from said book showing the entries tlierein made and <br />the total amount of licenses collected during the preceding <br />three months, properly classified. These extracts shall be cer- <br />tified under oath. <br />122. The taxes on licenses accruing under the provisions e f <br />this ordinance shall be due and payable, except where o <br />wise herein provided, on or before the thirtieth day of April, <br />1921, and shall be paid by the person against whom assessed <br />to the Treasurer of the city in his office on or before the <br />first <br />clay of May. <br />123. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, relating to li- <br />censes in conflict herewith are hereby repealed. <br />rch 10 1.0 <br />Adopted by the COMnon Council Ira r1via <br />Ayes: Forrest, Quarles, Smith, Thant 921 <br />Whitten. (6): Noes, none. J'arO 1811 <br />Concurred in by Board of Aldermen <br />Ayes: Greawer Timberlake and Walker, <br />Cl a rk. <br />P <br />�• <br />—,Td --n t ommon Covnc 1. <br />Pre ident Board of Aldameri� <br />r <br />