438 -
<br />'3E IT ORDAINED, b-,- the Counci i of tl.,e City of Charlottesville, as follows
<br />Any person who, with intent to defraud, shall make or draw ur uv -ter or de-
<br />liver an-- c[�eck, draft, or order for the i�a� iaents of money, upon any bank, banking
<br />institution, trust company, or jther del;ositor-, , knowing, at the time of such Mak-
<br />irlg, drawing, uttei•ing, Qr delivering, that the maker or drawer has n.�t sufficient
<br />funds in, or credit wit::, such bank, banking institution, truUt compan, , or other
<br />depositor., for the payment of such check, although no express representation is
<br />made in reference thereto, shall be guilt;;- of a misdemeanor.
<br />Any persDn convicted under the previsions of paragraph one of this section
<br />shall if the amount of sucl: check, draft, or order is under fifty dol.Lars by Len-
<br />tenced to I.a-, a fine of n t more than one hundred dollars, or to undergo imprison-
<br />ment not exceeding thirty days, or both. If the amount of such check, draft, or
<br />r order is fifty dollars or more, he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not more
<br />ki
<br />�. than one h-.ndred dollars, or to undergo iml risonment not to exceed one ;bear, or
<br />both. •
<br />In any prosecution under this section, the making or ('ra ing, or uttering. or
<br />deliver;,, of a check, draft, car order, payment of which is refu sed b; the drawee be-
<br />eauce of lock )f funds or credit,, shall be prima facie evidence of intent to defraud
<br />and of knowledge of sufficient funds in, or credit ti%itr :;uc . b,:nk, banking institu-
<br />tion, trust coml)ar,-,-, or other depositor,-,,,, unless such maker or drawer shall have
<br />paid the drawee tl.ereof the amount clue t',.ereon, together with interest and protect
<br />fees, within five days after receiving rl,tice tLat such check, draft, or order hac3
<br />nut been paid to the drawee.
<br />The %Flord credit, a s used herein, shall be construed to mean ani, arrange,aent
<br />or understanding with the bank, banking institution, trust company, or other depo::i-
<br />tor, for the payment of suc':. check, draft, or order.
<br />In an;- civil action growing out of an arrest under this rection, nu evidence
<br />of statements or representations as to the stLtus of t..e creek, draft, order or de-
<br />posit involved, or if an; collateral agreemerit with reference to the check, draft
<br />or order, shall be admissible unless such ;.tatements, or representations, or col-
<br />atera_l_ agreement, be written upon the instrument.
<br />Adopted b - - the Council Marcie 219 1127.
<br />Ayes: Brown and Joachim; Noes: ?tone.
<br />IkD A /V,
<br />Clerk
<br />. � rest en
<br />4� Be it ordained by the C :)unci 3_ of the City of Chariottesvi lle that the pro-
<br />.
<br />hibition ordinance enacted April 14, 1921, be amended bi the addition of the follow-
<br />ing new Lection:
<br />'
<br />Section 34-x. It shall be competent in a prosecution fur any offen-e againat
<br />the prohibition ordinance to prive trie general reputation of tr:e defendant as a vio-
<br />lator of tine prohibition ordinance or of the prohibition laws.
<br />Adopted b; the Council Ma.rcli 211 1927•
<br />Ayes: Brown and Joacl'.im; Noes: None.
<br />9
<br />Clerk
<br />President
<br />