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47? <br />of the owner, lessee, or tenant of the premises. <br />(17)-(n) Private garage to take care of not more than four cars, on the same lot With the <br />building, or within or attached to the building to which it is accessory and in which no busines <br />as <br />or industry is conducted, except the leasing of space for non-commercial motor vehicles. <br />(b) Private garages as defined in Paragraph (a) providing space for six cars where all <br />cars stored within are for the use of the members of the family occupying the building to Which it <br />is an accessory building. <br />Section 4. A-1 RESIDENCE DISTRICT USES --Within any A-1 Residence District, as indicated in <br />the Building Zone Map, no lot, building or structure shall be used, and no building or structure <br />shall be erected which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any industrial, <br />manufacturing, trade or commercial purpose, or for any other than the following purposes: <br />(1) Any use hereinbefore permitted in A Residence Districts. <br />(2) A detached or semi-detached residence for two families or two housekeeping units, <br />(3) A residence for three or more families or housekeeping units, or apartment houses. <br />(4) Dormitories, boarding houses, loding houses and clubs; including restaurants accessory <br />to any of the foregoing. <br />(5) Hotels not catering to transient guests and not carrying on any merchandising. <br />(6) Lodges and fraternal, social, recreational and community center organizations, provided <br />that any such establishment shall not be conducted primarily for gain. <br />(7 ) Garages, only for the purpose of housing private automobiles owned or operated by the <br />tenants of any building permitted in this section, providing no business is conducted other than <br />the leasing of space; will be permitted in the basement of such building, or in the rear and ad- <br />jacent thereto, br detached. <br />Sec. 5. B BUSINESS DISTRICT USES --Within any B Business District, as indicated on the <br />Building Zone leap, no lot, building or structure shall be used and no building or structure* <br />shall be erected which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, except as speci- <br />fied in this section for any industrial or manufacturing purpose or for any other than the follow- <br />ing specified purposes: <br />(1) Any use hereinbefore permitted in A Residence Districts or A-1 Residence Districts. <br />(2) Retail stores, offices, banks, shoe repairing shops,barber shops, pressing shops, <br />confectioneries, studios, restaurants, theatres, hand launderies, news stands, assembly halls, <br />and shops for custom work or the making of articles to be sold at retail on the premises to the <br />ultimate consumer; all provided thst no wholesaling or jobbing shall be carried on and that no <br />merchandise shall be carried other than that intended to be sold at retail on the premises. <br />(3) Automobile filling stations provided there are no curb pumps or any other obstruction <br />on the sidewalk and provided thnt the station be so arranged that sidewalk space and space be- <br />tween street line snd building IbLe shall not be occupied by vehicles while being served. <br />(4 ) Non -illuminated sign applicable to goods sold or services rendered on the premises upon <br />which they are displayed; provided that any such. signs shall be placed flat against the wall of <br />the building, shall project not wore than three inches beyond the property lien, end shall not <br />be over three feet in height; provided, further, that there shall be not over two signs to any <br />floor of a building and that the total area in square feet of such signs shall not be greater <br />than the width of the building in feet multiplied by three. <br />Sec. 6 B-1 BUSINESS DISTRICT USES --In any B-1 Business district as indicated on the <br />Building Zone Map, no lot, building or structure shall be used and no building or structure <br />shall be erected which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, except as speci- <br />fied in this section for any industrial or manufacturing purpose or for any other than the <br />following specified purposes: <br />(1) Any use hereinbefore permitted in A Residence Districts, A-1 Residence Districts <br />or B Business Districts. <br />