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(11) A Corner Lot is any lot which occupies the interior angle at the intersection of <br />two street lines, which make an angle of more than 45 degrees and less than 135 degrees with <br />each other, the owner of a corner lot having the privelege of specifying which street lot <br />lane Shall be deemed the front of the lot, and being required when requesting a building per- <br />tit, to specify which lot line shall be deemed the front line. <br />(12) A street is any existing street, square, lane, alley or way set aside as a right of <br />say for street purposes. <br />Sec. 3 A R1SIDENCE DISTRICT 'USES --Within any A Residence District, as indicated on the <br />Building Zone Map, no lot, building or structure shall be used and no building or structure <br />shall be erected which is intended or designed to be used, in whole or in part, for any in- <br />dustrial, manufacturing, trade or commercial purpose or for any other than the following speci- <br />fied purposes. <br />(1) Single detached residences for not more than two housekeeping units. <br />(2) The keeping of boarders or lodgers by a resident family. <br />(3) The office of a resident member of a recognized profession. <br />(4) Customary home occupations, such as dressmaking, millinery, hairdressing and mani- <br />curing, laundering, preserving and home cooking, provided that such occupations shall be carried <br />On solely by resident occupants in the main building, and provided that not more than the <br />equivalent of the area of one floor shall be used for such occupation and no display of products <br />made shall be visible from the street. <br />(5) Churches and other places of worship, including parish houses and Sunday School Build- <br />ings. <br />(6) Schools, Colleges, public libraries, public museums and art galleries. <br />(7) Grounds for games or sports; country clubs; provided any such use is not primarily for <br />gain. <br />(8) Municipal recreational buildings, playgrounds, parks, athletic fields and reservations. <br />(9) Hospitals and sanitariums not treating contagious diseases and not for the care of epi- <br />leptic or drug or liquor patients; charitable institutions which are not of a correctional nature <br />and which are not intended for the care of insane or feebleminded patients; all provided that the <br />building or buildings be located not less than 50 feet from any lot line other than a street line. <br />(10) Hospitals for contagious diseases, correctional institutions, sanitariums or hospitals <br />treating epileptic, drug and liquor patients and asylums for the mentally diseased; all provided <br />that no building so used shall be within 200 feet of any lot line. <br />(11) Buildings which are used exclusively by the Federal, State, County or City government <br />for public purposes. <br />(12) Railroad passenger stations, including the usual accessory services therein and re- <br />quired rights of way, not including switching, freight or storage yards or trackage other than <br />for passenger purposes. <br />(13) Static transformer stations, transmission lines and towers, and telephone exchanges; <br />not including service or storage yards or public business offices. <br />(14) Farms, truck -gardens, greenhouses, provided that no greenhouse heating plant shall be <br />Operated within 20 feet of any lot line. <br />(15) Small professional or announcement signs not over one square foot in area if fixed <br />Flat to main wall of building; and real estate signs not over six square feet in area, provided <br />that such sign is displayed behind the prevailing front building line of that block, and further <br />k'oglded that the sign is used for advertizing only the premises upon which it is erected. <br />(16) Accessory uses and structures customarily incident to any use premitted by this sec- <br />tion, such as servantfs quarters, stables, or work shops, provided that none shall be conducted <br />For gain and that no accessory building shall be inhabited by other than those who are employees <br />