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4"r0 <br />Be it ordained by the Council of the City of Charlottesville. <br />SeC• 1. Districts. <br />For the purpose of this Ordinance the City of Charlottesville is hereby divided into <br />six <br />classes of districts as follows: <br />A Residence Districts. <br />A-1 Residence Districts. <br />B Business Districts. <br />B-1 Business Districts. <br />B-2 Business Districts. <br />C Industrial Districts. <br />The boundaries of each of these districts are hereby established as shown on the map en. <br />titled, Building Zone Neap of Charlottesville, Va., dated and g <br />si ned <br />by the Mayor, City Manager and Clerk of the Council which accompanies and is hereby declared <br />to <br />be a part of this ordinance. These district boundary lines are intended generally to follow <br />street or property lines as they exist at the time of the passage of this ordinance unless such <br />district boundary lines are referenced to some street line by dimensions shown on the Building <br />Zone Map. <br />Sec. 2 Definitions. <br />For the purposes of this Ordinance the following definitions are established: <br />(1) An Accessory Building is a subordinate building on the same lot with a main building <br />whose use is incidental to that of the main building. <br />(2 ) The Height of a Building is the vertical distance measured from the level of the curb <br />or established grade opposite the middle of the front of the building to the highest point of <br />the roof surface if a flat roof; to the deck line of a mansard roof; and to the mean height level <br />between eaves and ridge of a gable, hip or gambrel roof, if a building is built on the street <br />line, and if built back of the street line the distance shall be measured from the .level of ground <br />at the middle of the front of the building, provided, that where the ground level is made by filling <br />such ground level shall not be considered to be more than five (5) feet above the level of the <br />curb or established grade opposite the middle of the front of the building. <br />(3 ) A Court is an open unoccupied space, other than a yard, on the same lot with a building* <br />(4) An Enclosed Court is an open unoccupied space enclosed on all sides by walls, or by <br />walls and lot lines other than street lines or public alley lines that are 10 feet or more in <br />width. <br />(5) A Court opening on to a side yard shall be deemed an enclosed Court but may be considered <br />as extending to the lot line. <br />(6 ) An Outer Court is an open unoccupied space enclosed on three sides by walls, or by two <br />walls and a lot line, and open on to a street, an alley 10 feet or more in width, or on to a front <br />or rear yard. <br />(7) The Width of Court is the least horizontal dimension of the Court. <br />(8 ) Lot: The land bounded by definite lines and occupied or to be occupied by a building <br />and its accessory buildings and including the open spaces required under these regulations. A lot <br />may or may not be the land so recorded on the records of the Clerkf s Office, Charlottesville. <br />(9 ) Depth of Lot: The depth of a lot is defined as the average depth measured in the mean <br />direction of the side lines from the street line to therear line, and the rear line shall be <br />deemed to be not farther back than a line drawn parallel with the street line, entirely on the <br />lot, and not less than ten feet long; and in the case of a through lot running from street to <br />street the rear line with respect to either street line shall be deemed to pass through a point <br />midway between the street lines. <br />(10) Width of Lot: The width of a lot is its mean width, measured at right angles to 1ts depth' <br />