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G4NtRAL ORDINANCES 49 <br />but shall hold the same at the disposal of the Sealer. Any weights, <br />measures, or weighing or measuring devices which have been <br />"condemned for repairs," and have not been repaired as required <br />above, shall be confiscated by the Sealer. <br />Sec. 123. City sealer—record to be kept and annual <br />and special reports to be made by City sealer. <br />The City Sealer shall keep a complete record of all of his offi- <br />cial acts, and shall make an annual report to the Council, and an <br />annual report duly sworn to, on the first day of October, to the <br />State Superintendent of weights and measures, on blanks fur- <br />nished by the latter, and also, any special reports that the latter <br />may request. <br />Sec. 124. City sealer—seizure for use as evidence of <br />false or unsealed weights, measures, etc. <br />The City Sealer is hereby authorized and empowered to seize <br />for use as evidence, without formal warrant, any false or un- <br />sealed weight, measure, or weighing or measuring device or pack- <br />age or amount of commodity found to be used, retained or of- <br />fered or exposed for sale or sold in violation of law. <br />Sec. 128. City sealer—punishment for hindering. <br />Any person who shall hinder or obstruct in any way the City <br />Sealer in the performance of his official duties shall be guilty of <br />misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by <br />a fine of not less than twenty, nor more than two hundred dol- <br />lars, or by imprisonment in jail for not more than three months, <br />or by both such fine and imprisonment. <br />Sec. 126. City sealer—punishments prescribed for cer- <br />tain offenses. <br />Any person who, by himself or by his servant or agent, or as <br />the servant or agent of another person, shall offer or expose for <br />sale, sell, use in the buying or selling of any commodity or thing <br />or for hire or award, or retain in his possession a false weight or <br />measure or weighing or measuring device or any weight or meas- <br />ure or weighing or measuring device, which has not been sealed <br />by the State Superintendent or by a sealer or deputy sealer of <br />1 <br />50 CHARLOTTtSVILLn CITY CODE <br />weights and measures within one year, or shall dispose of any <br />condemned weight, measure, or weighing or measuring device <br />contrary to law, or remove any tag placed thereon by the State <br />Superintendent or by a sealer of weights and measures; or who <br />shall sell or offer or expose for sale less than the quantity he rep- <br />resents, or shall take or attempt to take more than the quantity <br />he represents, when, as the buyer, he furnishes the weight, meas- <br />ure, or weighing or measuring device by means of which the <br />amount of commodity is determined; or who shall keep for the <br />purchase, or sale, offer or expose for sale, or sell any commodity <br />in a manner contrary to law; or who shall violate any provision <br />of this chapter for which a specific penalty has not been pro- <br />vided; or who shall sell or offer for sale, or use or have in his <br />possession for the purpose of selling or using any device or in- <br />strument to be used to or calculated to falsify any weight or <br />measure shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall be punished <br />by a fine of not less than twenty or more than two hundred dol- <br />lars, or by imprisonment for not more than three months, or by <br />both such fine and imprisonment. <br />1 <br />GENERAL ORDINANCES 51 <br />CHAPTER XV. <br />HEADS oP DI;PARTMtNTS. <br />INSPECTORS, ETC. <br />Sec. 127. Appointment—term—compensation. <br />There shall be appointed by the City Manager, a City Engi- <br />neer, a Building Inspector, a Plumbing Inspector, and a City <br />Electrician, subject to the approval of the Council. <br />There may be appointed by the City Manager, with the ap- <br />proval of the Council a Superintendent of the Gas Department, <br />a Superintendent of the Water and Sewer Department, a Super- <br />intendent of the Public Service Department, a Superintendent of <br />Parks and Cemeteries and such other officials and assistants as <br />he may consider necessary for the proper conduct of the affairs <br />of the City under his management and for which he is responsi- <br />ble. One or more of such positions may be held and exercised <br />by the same person. These so appointed shall hold office at the <br />will of the City Manager. <br />The City Manager may, in order to promote the efficient op- <br />eration of the affairs of the City under his management and con- <br />trol, create new departments, and consolidate or abolish existing <br />departments. <br />Sec. 128. Heads of departments and inspectors—their <br />duties. <br />The officials appointed under this chapter, shall in addition to <br />the duties fixed by ordinances and resolutions of the Council, <br />perform such other duties as may be required of them by the <br />City Manager. <br />52 CHARLOTTtSVILLI: CITY CODE <br />CHAPTER XVI. <br />SINKING FUND. <br />Sec. 129. Sinking fund—commissioners of. <br />For the purpose of managing, preserving and applying the <br />sinking fund required to be created by the Charter and the Or- <br />dinances of the City, the Mayor, Chairman of the Finance Com- <br />mittee of the Council, Auditor and Treasurer shall constitute a <br />board to be called the Sinking Fund Commission. <br />Sec. 130. President and secretary. <br />The Mayor shall be the president, and the Auditor the secre- <br />tary, of said board. The Secretary shall keep a correct journal <br />of the proceedings of every meeting, to be signed by himself and <br />the president, and shall preserve all books and papers of the <br />board in his office. <br />Sec. 131. Treasurer. <br />The City Treasurer shall keep an account of and shall be the <br />custodian of all moneys, bonds and other evidences of debt be- <br />longing to said sinking fund, and shall be the treasurer of the <br />Sinking Fund Commission. <br />Sec. 132. Sinking fund. <br />The Council shall set apart from the resources of the City such <br />proportion of its annual revenues as will be sufficient to meet <br />each issue of bonds either heretofore or hereafter issued as the <br />same shall become due. Said fund shall be set apart, one-half <br />on the first day of January of each year, and the other half on <br />the first day of July of each year, and shall be placed to the credit <br />of the Sinking Fund Commission. The fund thus set apart and <br />invested, together with the annual interest and profits therefrom, <br />shall be called the sinking fund, and shall be kept for, and is <br />hereby dedicated to, the payment of the bonded debt of the City, <br />and shall not be applied by the Council to any other purpose. <br />Sec. 133. Sinking fund—purchase of bonds for funds. <br />The Commission shall apply all appropriations, interest and <br />