<br />profits from any bonds held by them to the purchase of bonds or
<br />certificates of debt of this City, or of this State, or of the United
<br />States, or of some other state of this Union, or any other bonds
<br />of the Sinking Fund Commission may deem a safe investment.
<br />The accrued interest on said securities shall be collected by the
<br />Treasurer when due, and deposited to the credit of the sinking
<br />fund. All such securities shall be held and the interest thereon
<br />re -invested according to the provisions of this ordinance, until
<br />some part of the City debt shall become due, when, unless other
<br />provision be made by the Council, such securities, so far as may
<br />be necessary, shall be sold and the proceeds applied to the pay-
<br />ment of such matured part of the City debt.
<br />Sec. 134. Sinking fund—annual report of.
<br />The Sinking Fund Commission shall, through its Treasurer
<br />not later than the fifteenth day of each September, make a re-
<br />port of the condition of the sinking fund to the Council. Said
<br />report shall state the cash receipts for the year, in detail, an item-
<br />ized list of bonds bought or sold, with price paid or received,
<br />and a detailed list of all securities held by said Commission.
<br />Said report shall be audited and approved by the Secretary of the
<br />Sinking Fund Commission before it is presented to the Council.
<br />Sec. 135. Disbursements—how made.
<br />All disbursements by said Commission shall be by warrant of
<br />the Secretary, countersigned by the president of the board, drawn
<br />on the Treasurer of the Sinking Fund Commission.
<br />Sec. 136. Bank safety deposit box—who to be present
<br />when opened.
<br />The bank safety deposit box of the Sinking Fund Commission
<br />shall be opened only in the presence of the Treasurer, or his dep-
<br />uty, and one member of the Sinking Fund Commission other than
<br />the Treasurer.
<br />Sec. 137. City deeds, contracts, etc.—how executed.
<br />All papers duly authorized to be executed in the name of and
<br />on behalf of the City shall, unless otherwise provided by ordi-
<br />nance or resolution of the Council, be signed as follows:
<br />Deeds, bonds and other instruments requiring the seal of the
<br />City to be affixed thereto shall be signed by the Mayor and the
<br />seal shall be attested by the Clerk of the Council.
<br />Notes or other similar evidences of debt shall be signed by the
<br />Mayor or by the Finance Committee.
<br />The City Purchasing Agent shall sign all contracts covering
<br />sales or purchases which he is authorized to make.
<br />All other contracts shall be signed by the City Manager.
<br />Sec. 138. Wards—names and boundaries.
<br />The territory within the corporate limits of the City shall be
<br />divided into four wards, whose boundaries shall be as follows:
<br />First Ward shall embrace all territory lying east of a line ex-
<br />tending from the intersection of the center of Main and Fifth
<br />Streets, east as follows: Southwardly from said intersection of
<br />Main and Fifth Streets, east, along the centers of Fifth Street,
<br />southeast, and projected in same course to the corporate limits
<br />in the south; westwardly from said intersection of the center of
<br />Main and Fifth Streets east, along the center of Main Street to
<br />the intersection of the center of Main and Fourth Streets, east,
<br />thence northwardly along the center of Fourth Street, north-
<br />west and projected in same course to the corporate limits on the
<br />north.
<br />Second Ward shall embrace all the territory lying north of the
<br />center of Main Street and west of the First Ward as defined
<br />above and east of the center line to Tenth Street, N. W., pro-
<br />jected in a northerly direction to the corporate limits.
<br />Third Ward shall embrace all territory lying south of Main
<br />Street and west of the ward defined above, and east of a line ex-
<br />tending from the center of Main Street southwardly along the
<br />center of Ninth Street to its intersection with the center line of
<br />Grove Street, to the corporate limits.
<br />Fourth Ward shall embrace all the territory in the western part
<br />of said corporate limits which is not embraced within the bound-
<br />aries of the Second Ward and the Third Ward as above defined.
<br />Sec. 139. Voting places.
<br />Each ward shall constitute an election district. Elections in
<br />each ward shall be held at such voting place as may from time to
<br />time be designated by the Council. The voting places as now
<br />constituted shall so continue unless and until changed by the
<br />Council; but no change shall be made in any voting place within
<br />thirty days next preceding any general election.
<br />Sec. 140. Numbering and naming streets.
<br />The streets of the City shall retain their present names until
<br />changed by the Council.
<br />Main Street shall be the east and west line from which streets
<br />shall be named. Those to the north of blain Street, as north,
<br />and those to the south of Main Street, as south, i.e. the portion
<br />of First Street north of Main Street shall be known as North
<br />First Street, and that portion south of Main Street shall he
<br />known as South First Street.
<br />The meridian street shall be North First or South First
<br />Street, as indicated by its position north or south of Main Street.
<br />(First Street was known many years ago as Thirty -Third or
<br />Green Street).
<br />Whether one goes east or west, the streets running so as to
<br />intersect Main, actually or by supposed extension shall be known
<br />by the natural numbers increasing in either direction from the
<br />meridian at First Street, save in the matter of Park and Ridge
<br />Streets. For example the first street east of First Street shall
<br />be known as North Second Street, East, or South Second Street
<br />East, according to whether it is north or south of Main Street.
<br />Sec. 141. Houses—how numbered.
<br />All houses fronting on the public streets of the City of Char-
<br />lottesville shall be numbered in conformity with the following:
<br />(1) On streets running parallel with Main Street the odd
<br />numbers shall apply to the north sides, and the even numbers to
<br />the south sides. On streets running parallel with First Street
<br />the odd numbers shall apply to the west, and the even numbers
<br />to the east sides.
<br />(2) On all streets running parallel with Main Street, the
<br />numbering shall commence with No. 100 at First Street increas-
<br />ing at the rate of 100 numbers for each block going eastward and
<br />westward, and with No. 100 at Main Street increasing at the
<br />same rate going northward and southward.
<br />Sec. 142. House numbers—how established.
<br />The City Manager shall establish all house numbers, allowing
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