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GENERAL ORDINANCES 57 <br />one whole number for every house or tenement, if practicable, <br />and, as near as may be, one whole number for every twenty-five <br />feet on vacant lots. He shall also furnish all owners of houses <br />with the information necessary for them in placing their num- <br />bers on their houses, and shall give a certificate of the proper <br />number applicable to any house, when requested by the owner. <br />Sec. 143. Penalty for alteration, removal, etc. <br />Any person owning or occupying a house who shall number <br />or attempt to number it otherwise than in conformity with this <br />ordinance, and any person who shall deface, alter or remove a <br />' number placed upon a house in accordance with this chapter, <br />shall, upon conviction, be fined not less than two nor more than <br />five dollars. <br />1 <br />1 <br />58 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE, <br />15 <br />GENERAL ORDINANCES 59 <br />the City Auditor, who shall make three copies of the same, for- <br />warding one copy to the City Collector, one to the Department <br />of the City under whose supervision the work was done, and one <br />to the applicant. Said statement shall be credited by the deposit <br />and the residue, if any, shall be returned to the applicant. <br />Whenever any citizen or property owner desires to lay a side- <br />walk for themselves in a City street, he shall make application to <br />the City Manager in writing who shall grant such permission <br />upon condition that the applicant make such improvement at his <br />own expense and do the work under the supervision of the City <br />Manager. <br />Where no application is received the Council may require a <br />sidewalk to be laid as provided by the State law or may direct a <br />sidewalk to be laid in such other manner as it may specify not in <br />conflict with the State law. <br />Sec. 147. Streets and sidewalks—removing pavements <br />and excavating in streets and alleys. <br />No person, unless specially authorized by the Council, shall <br />take up or remove any portion of the surface of the sidewalk, or <br />street, or excavate in any public street or alley of the City with- <br />out written permission of the City Manager, who shall not refuse <br />permission to any applicant except for cause, but in case of re- <br />fusal the applicant may appeal to the Council. Before such per- <br />mit is granted the City Manager may require a deposit sufficient <br />to pay for resurfacing the street to be disturbed, the amount of <br />such deposit to be determined by the City Manager. It shall be <br />the duty of every person to whom a permit to remove a pave- <br />ment or street surface or excavate in any street or alley, shall <br />have been granted, to institute at once and prosecute without de- <br />lay the work for which such permit was obtained, and promptly <br />on its completion give written notice thereof to the City Manager. <br />No pavement, sidewalk, or street surface shall be replaced, after <br />being taken up, by any person except under the direction of the <br />City Manager. If the applicant fails to resurface the street dis- <br />turbed promptly and in a manner approved by the City Manager, <br />the City Manager is authorized to cause said work to be done at <br />the expense of the applicant. <br />Any person found guilty of taking up any pavement, side - <br />60 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE <br />walk, or street surface, or excavating in any street or alley in the <br />City without the written permission of the City Manager shall, <br />upon conviction, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than <br />$10.00 for each offense, and each day that such violation con- <br />tinues shall constitute a separate offense. <br />Any person to whom a permit is granted to do such work as <br />provided in this section shall place guards or barriers around such <br />excavation and shall protect it by warning lights at night, and <br />shall be responsible for damages to persons or property caused <br />by such excavations until taken in charge by the City Manager. <br />Any person failing to place such guards, barriers or lights as re- <br />quired by this section, shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more <br />than $10.00, and each day's neglect shall constitute a separate of- <br />f ense. <br />Every person who shall make application as above specified <br />shall be deemed to have assented thereby to all the provisions and <br />terms of this section including the right of the City to collect the <br />actual cost of replacing the pavement, sidewalk or street surface <br />in the manner above directed. <br />The provisions of this section shall not apply to work done by <br />City forces under the supervision of the City Manager, but the <br />City Manager may prescribe regulations for work done on City <br />streets by City forces. <br />Sec. 148. Streets and sidewalks—exposed water pipes. <br />When, in repairing or grading or otherwise disturbing a street, <br />any water pipe is left uncovered or exposed, it shall be the duty <br />of the person in charge of such work to forthwith notify the <br />City Manager of such exposure. For failure to give such notice <br />the party in default shall be liable to a fine of not less than $2.00 <br />nor more than $25.00. <br />Sec. 149. Street signs, fire hydrants and monuments. <br />Any person who shall unlawfully deface, remove or displace <br />any street signs, fire hydrants or monuments marking the street <br />lines or City boundaries shall be punished by a fine of not less <br />than $10.00 nor more than $50.00, or by imprisonment in jail of <br />not more than thirty days, or both. <br />CHAPTER XIX. <br />STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. <br />Sec. 144. Streets and sidewalks—general provisions. <br />The term "streets" when used in these ordinances shall be held <br />to mean public streets, sidewalks, alleys, lanes and highways of <br />the City, except where by the context or by reasonable intend- <br />ment sidewalks are not included. <br />Sec. 145. Streets and sidewalks—grading and paving. <br />Whenever the paving, grading, or making of sidewalks or <br />streets anywhere in the City is ordered by the Council, it shall <br />be the duty of the City Manager, when in his opinion such street <br />or sidewalk should be so graded as to raise or lower the same <br />materially with reference to the property of abutting lot owners, <br />to make his plans of such improvement, showing accurately in <br />feet and tenths the elevation or lowering of the street with refer- <br />ence to such adjacent property. <br />Before proceeding with the work the City Manager shall ob- <br />tain from the owners of the property to be affected by such <br />change of grade, a written waiver of all damages. If such prop- <br />erty owners refuse to sign such waiver the City Manager shall <br />report the situation to the Council and receive authority from <br />that body before proceeding with the work. <br />Sec. 146. Streets and sidewalks—laying sidewalks. <br />Whenever any citizen or property owner desires a sidewalk to <br />be laid along the street boundary of property he shall make writ- <br />ten application to the Council through the City Manager agree- <br />ing to pay two-thirds of the cost of such construction and waiv- <br />ing all damages by reason of such construction. The City <br />Manager shall have an estimate made of the cost of such im- <br />provement, and upon the applicant making a deposit of two- <br />thirds of such estimated cost, the City Manager shall present said <br />application to the Council for its action. <br />Upon completion of the work the City Manager shall cause <br />an account of the cost of the work to be made and delivered to <br />15 <br />GENERAL ORDINANCES 59 <br />the City Auditor, who shall make three copies of the same, for- <br />warding one copy to the City Collector, one to the Department <br />of the City under whose supervision the work was done, and one <br />to the applicant. Said statement shall be credited by the deposit <br />and the residue, if any, shall be returned to the applicant. <br />Whenever any citizen or property owner desires to lay a side- <br />walk for themselves in a City street, he shall make application to <br />the City Manager in writing who shall grant such permission <br />upon condition that the applicant make such improvement at his <br />own expense and do the work under the supervision of the City <br />Manager. <br />Where no application is received the Council may require a <br />sidewalk to be laid as provided by the State law or may direct a <br />sidewalk to be laid in such other manner as it may specify not in <br />conflict with the State law. <br />Sec. 147. Streets and sidewalks—removing pavements <br />and excavating in streets and alleys. <br />No person, unless specially authorized by the Council, shall <br />take up or remove any portion of the surface of the sidewalk, or <br />street, or excavate in any public street or alley of the City with- <br />out written permission of the City Manager, who shall not refuse <br />permission to any applicant except for cause, but in case of re- <br />fusal the applicant may appeal to the Council. Before such per- <br />mit is granted the City Manager may require a deposit sufficient <br />to pay for resurfacing the street to be disturbed, the amount of <br />such deposit to be determined by the City Manager. It shall be <br />the duty of every person to whom a permit to remove a pave- <br />ment or street surface or excavate in any street or alley, shall <br />have been granted, to institute at once and prosecute without de- <br />lay the work for which such permit was obtained, and promptly <br />on its completion give written notice thereof to the City Manager. <br />No pavement, sidewalk, or street surface shall be replaced, after <br />being taken up, by any person except under the direction of the <br />City Manager. If the applicant fails to resurface the street dis- <br />turbed promptly and in a manner approved by the City Manager, <br />the City Manager is authorized to cause said work to be done at <br />the expense of the applicant. <br />Any person found guilty of taking up any pavement, side - <br />60 CHARLOTTESVILLE CITY CODE <br />walk, or street surface, or excavating in any street or alley in the <br />City without the written permission of the City Manager shall, <br />upon conviction, be fined not less than $5.00 nor more than <br />$10.00 for each offense, and each day that such violation con- <br />tinues shall constitute a separate offense. <br />Any person to whom a permit is granted to do such work as <br />provided in this section shall place guards or barriers around such <br />excavation and shall protect it by warning lights at night, and <br />shall be responsible for damages to persons or property caused <br />by such excavations until taken in charge by the City Manager. <br />Any person failing to place such guards, barriers or lights as re- <br />quired by this section, shall be fined not less than $1.00 nor more <br />than $10.00, and each day's neglect shall constitute a separate of- <br />f ense. <br />Every person who shall make application as above specified <br />shall be deemed to have assented thereby to all the provisions and <br />terms of this section including the right of the City to collect the <br />actual cost of replacing the pavement, sidewalk or street surface <br />in the manner above directed. <br />The provisions of this section shall not apply to work done by <br />City forces under the supervision of the City Manager, but the <br />City Manager may prescribe regulations for work done on City <br />streets by City forces. <br />Sec. 148. Streets and sidewalks—exposed water pipes. <br />When, in repairing or grading or otherwise disturbing a street, <br />any water pipe is left uncovered or exposed, it shall be the duty <br />of the person in charge of such work to forthwith notify the <br />City Manager of such exposure. For failure to give such notice <br />the party in default shall be liable to a fine of not less than $2.00 <br />nor more than $25.00. <br />Sec. 149. Street signs, fire hydrants and monuments. <br />Any person who shall unlawfully deface, remove or displace <br />any street signs, fire hydrants or monuments marking the street <br />lines or City boundaries shall be punished by a fine of not less <br />than $10.00 nor more than $50.00, or by imprisonment in jail of <br />not more than thirty days, or both. <br />