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BOOK 2_APRIL 19 1932-JAN 20 1947
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ANNUAL TAX LEVY IMPOSING TAXES ON PERSONS AND PROPERTY <br />FOR THE PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON THE CITY DEBT, FOR CREATING <br />A SINKING FUND THEREFOR, FOR THE -SUPPORT OF THE CITY GOVERN- <br />MENT AND CITY SCHOOLS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES <br />BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the City of Charlottesville that for the <br />year beginning on the first day of January, 1944, and ending the thirty-first day <br />of December, 1944, and each year thereafter while this ordinance is in force, the <br />taxes on persons and property for local purposes shall be as follows: <br />territory for public improvements pursuant to Ordinance adopted November 20, 1939• <br />Adopted by the Council June 19, 1944 <br />Ayes: 'dr. Adams, Mr. Gleason, Mr. Huff, <br />Mr. Morris, and Mr. Watson. <br />Noes: None. <br />GENERAL LEVY: <br />1. Land, Lots, and Buildings. <br />On tracts of land and lots and improvements thereon, not exempt <br />from taxation, there shall be a tax of $1.00 (one dollar) on every $100.00 <br />assessed value thereof to pay the general operating expenses of the City <br />Government and to pay the interest and sinking fund on the City debt other <br />than schools, and there shall be levied an additional tax on every $100.00 <br />assessed value of $0.23 (twenty-three cents) to pay the interest and <br />sinking fund on school bonds and $0.77 (seventy-seven cents) for the <br />maintenance and operating of the City Schools. <br />2. Tangible Personal Property. <br />Upon all tangible personal property as defined by the State Tax Law, <br />not exempt from taxation, there shall be a tax of $1.00 (one dollar) on <br />every $100.00 assessed value thereof to pay the general operating expenses <br />of the City government and to pay the interest and sinking fund on the <br />City debt other than schools, and there shall be levied an additional tax <br />on every $100.00 assessed value thereof of $0.23 (twenty-three cents) to <br />pay the interest and sinking fund on the school bonds and $0.77 (seventy- <br />seven cents) for the maintenance and operating of the City schools. <br />3. Other Property. <br />Upon any tabgible personal property not included in the foregoing, <br />which is not exempt from local taxation, the tax shall be $1.00 (one dollar) <br />on every $100.00 assessed value thereof to pay the general operating expenses <br />of the City government and to pay the interest and sinking fund on the City <br />debt other than schools, and there shall be levied an additional tax on every <br />r`v'100.00 assessed value thereof of $0.23 (twenty-three cents) to pay the <br />interest and sinking fund on the school bonds and $0.77 (seventy-seven cents) <br />for the maintenance and operating of the City schools. <br />The foregoing levy shall be applicable to all of the property within the <br />City of Charlottesville of the classes above described including property in <br />the territory annexed to the said City as of January 1, 1939, it being deter- <br />mined by the Council that 12% of the assessed value of the lands annexed as <br />aforesaid has already been expended in and for the benefit of said annexed <br />territory for public improvements pursuant to Ordinance adopted November 20, 1939• <br />Adopted by the Council June 19, 1944 <br />Ayes: 'dr. Adams, Mr. Gleason, Mr. Huff, <br />Mr. Morris, and Mr. Watson. <br />Noes: None. <br />
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