<br />Whereas, there has been no general revision of the ordi-
<br />nances of the City of Charlottesville since 1909 and
<br />Whereas, it is deemed advisable by the City Council that the
<br />ordinances of the City of Charlottesville be amended and re-
<br />vised:
<br />THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED by the Council of the
<br />City of Charlottesville that the following ordinances be now
<br />adopted by the City Council, and that the same shall be the Code
<br />of the City of Charlottesville, Va.
<br />CHAPTER I.
<br />Sec. 1. The council—term and compensation.
<br />(a) The Council of the City of Charlottesville shall be com-
<br />posed of five members, to be elected at large from the qualified
<br />voters of the City as provided by Section 4 of the charter. Their
<br />term of office shall be four years, except that all elections to
<br />fill vacancies shall be for the unexpired terms.
<br />(b) Each member of the Council shall receive an annual sal-
<br />ary of three hundred dollars ($300.00), except the president
<br />of said Council, who shall be Mayor and shall receive five hun-
<br />dred dollars ($500.00) per annum. Said salary shall be paid
<br />in equal monthly installments.
<br />Sec. 2. Oath of office—when taken.
<br />Each councilman shall, before entering upon the duties of his
<br />office, take the oath prescribed for councilmen by the laws of
<br />Virginia and qualify before the Corporation Court or the Judge
<br />thereof in vacation, a certificate of which shall be filed with the
<br />clerk of the Council who shall enter the same upon the journal
<br />thereof; but if any councilman shall fail to qualify as afore -
<br />said, for ten days after the commencement of the term for which
<br />he was elected, his office shall be deemed vacant.
<br />Sec. 3. Time of meeting for organization.
<br />The Council shall meet for organization on the first day of
<br />September after their election (unless that day be Sunday or a
<br />legal holiday, in which case they shall meet on the following
<br />day), but in case of unavoidable absence from such meeting of
<br />any member elect it shall be competent to adjourn said meeting
<br />from time to time as they may deem proper.
<br />Sec. 4. Elections by council.
<br />At all elections by the Council the voting shall be viva voce.
<br />and each member shall be entitled to one vote. Only one per-
<br />son shalt be elected at a time, except with the consent of all
<br />members present. If, on any vote, no one receives a majority
<br />of all the votes, the name of the person receiving the smallest
<br />number of votes shall be dropped, and shall not again be put in
<br />nomination until a vote intervenes.
<br />At each election the roll shall be called by the clerk in alpha-
<br />betical order, and each member shall vote when his name is
<br />called, unless excused or disqualified by section 24, post.
<br />Sec. b. Election of president—vice-president, duties of.
<br />The Council shall, at its first meeting in September after the
<br />regular biennial election of councilmen, or as soon thereafter
<br />as practicable, elect one of its members president, who shall
<br />continue in office two years. If a vacancy occur in the office
<br />before the end of the term, such vacancy shall be filled as pro-
<br />vided by section 11. The president of the Council shall be the
<br />Mayor of the City, without veto power.
<br />At the same time the Council shall elect one of its members
<br />to be vice-president, who shall continue in office two years. If
<br />a vacancy occur in the office before the end of his term such
<br />vacancy shall be filled as provided by section 11.
<br />The president shall preside at the meetings of the Council,
<br />and when from any cause, he shall be absent the vice-president
<br />shall preside and in the absence of both a president pro tempore
<br />may be elected.
<br />The president, vice-president, or president pro tempore, who
<br />shall preside when the proceedings of the previous meeting are
<br />read shall sign the same.
<br />He may call any member to the chair, who shall exercise its
<br />functions for the time ; _ and during such substitution he may
<br />participate in the debates.
<br />The vice-president in the absence of the president and while
<br />acting as president shall be vested with all the rights and duties
<br />of the president.
<br />The president or vice-president, as the case .may be, shall be
<br />entitled to vote on all questions as any other member, but in no
<br />case shall he be entitled to a second vote on any question, though
<br />it be necessary to break a tie that is to say, his office shall not
<br />entitle him to a vote.
<br />Sec. 6. Regular meetings—how special meetings may be
<br />called.
<br />The Council shall hold its regular meetings at the customary
<br />place for such meetings, or at such other place in the City as
<br />may be designated by the president of the Council, on the first
<br />and third Mondays of each month at such hour as may be agreed
<br />upon (unless such day be a legal holiday, in which event such
<br />meeting shall be held on the day following).
<br />The president of the Council or the vice-president, if acting
<br />in his stead, or any three members of the Council may call a
<br />special meeting of the Council at any time upon at least five
<br />hours written notice to each ,member, served personally or left
<br />at his usual place of business or residence. But special meet-
<br />ings maybe held at any time without notice provided all mem-
<br />bers of the Council attend and unanimously consent to the trans-
<br />action of all business transacted thereat.
<br />Sec. 7. Meetings—special—executive session.
<br />Every call for a special meeting shall specify the object there-
<br />of and no business shall be transacted at a special meeting ex-
<br />cept that for which it shall have been called, unless by a unani-
<br />mous consent.
<br />The Council shall be open except when, by a recorded vote
<br />of two-thirds of those members present, it declares that the
<br />public welfare requires secrecy, in which case it shall go into
<br />executive session.
<br />Sec. 8. Quorum—reconsideration of votes.
<br />Three members of the Council shall constitute a quorum for
<br />the transaction of ordinary business, but no vote of a former
<br />meeting shall be reconsidered or rescinded at a special meeting
<br />unless there be then present as many members as were present
<br />when such vote was taken, and three-fifths of all members
<br />present vote in favor thereof.
<br />Sec. 9. Absence of quorum—how quorum secured.
<br />If a quorum fail to attend a meeting of the Council within
<br />a half hour after the appointed time for such meeting, those
<br />present may adjourn to such time as they deem proper, after
<br />the names of those present shall have been entered on the journal.
<br />At such meeting, two or more members shall have authority to
<br />compel the attendance of absent members by a process in writing
<br />signed by them and addressed to any policeman, directing him to
<br />summons such absent members to such time and place to which
<br />the meeting shall have been adjourned. Any member refusing
<br />to obey such summons may be fined by a four-fifths vote of the
<br />Council in a sum not less than five dollars nor more than twenty-
<br />five dollars.
<br />Sec. 10. Punishment of members.
<br />The Council may, by a majority vote of its whole number, pun-
<br />ish one of its own members for disorderly behavior by a fine not
<br />exceeding $300; and, by a two-thirds vote of its whole number, ex-
<br />pel a member of its own body for malfeasance or misfeasance in
<br />office. Fines imposed under this section shall be collected in such
<br />manner as fines imposed by the Civil and Police Justice.
<br />Sec. 11. Vacancies—office of mayor or councilmen,
<br />how filled.
<br />Whenever, from any cause, a vacancy shall occur in the office
<br />of mayor it shall be filled by the Council. A vacancy in the of-
<br />fice of councilman shall be filled by the Council at its next regu-.
<br />lar meeting from the qualified electors of the City. The officer
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