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6 <br /> Mr. Caravati said that Mr. Cox and Ms. Richards have been ambitious on behalf <br />of the City, and Ms. Richards has been a wo rkhorse on Council. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said he has gained unique insights from both Mr. Cox and Ms. <br />Richards. He said Mr. Cox looked for things they could have in common, and he and <br />Ms. Richards founds things to work on together. He said she has had the cou rage to <br />stand up for things she believed in and has shown great integrity. <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell expressed his appreciation to both Mr. Cox and Ms. Richards. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: NEW HOUSING/SCHOOL BOUNDARIES COMMITTEE <br /> <br /> Ms. Peggy Van Yahres, School Board member, said that 2000 new housing units <br />are expected to be built in Charlottesville in the next five years. She said that a <br />committee was appointed in the fall to look at housing and how to balance capacity at the <br />elementary schools. She said 500 additional students ar e expected over the next five to <br />ten years. She said a couple of schools, Burnley Moran and Johnson, could be <br />overcrowded, and Greenbrier and Jackson - Via could be under capacity. She said the <br />committee took two new developments and put them in the Greenb rier and Jackson - Via <br />district. She said no great change is expected at Venable. She said Clark is at capacity <br />now, which has one of the highest concentration of homeless children, and these children <br />will be moved out of Clark and into Venable or Burnley Moran. She said it is an <br />opportune time to change the boundaries before the developments are completed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said it is really smart to make adjustments now. He said he supports <br />moving the homeless children out of Clark. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati asked abou t the impact on the capital improvement program and if <br />this will require improvements to be accelerated, and Ms. Van Yahres said it will not <br />impact the elementary school facilities. She said that out of district students will have to <br />be restricted when th e schools reach capacity. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: CITY LINK UPDATE <br /> <br /> Mr. O'Connell explained that City Link will allow us to bring better services to <br />our citizens. He said the issue has been researched for several years, and three years ago <br />Council included it as part of their vision statement and charged the City to become a <br />leader in best practices. He said the project is now underway, and will help serve <br />customers faster and more efficiently, and will update our current computer system which <br />is 25 years old. He no ted that Council formally approved the contract in February of <br />2004. <br /> <br /> A video and powerpoint presentation was presented showing some of the services <br />that City Link will provide. <br /> <br />