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24 <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said it is probably a good idea, but it will be hard for him to book <br />another night. He said he will be there when he can. <br /> <br />It was agreed to set the second Thursdays of the month for work sessions. <br /> <br />Time Limits <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked whether time limits should be set for Councilors during <br />meetings. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he would rather see a total time allocated to Councilors for the <br />entire meeting. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said he does not see a problem at this point, but if we think there is a <br />problem down the line, we can impose limits on ourselves. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown suggested having the time in front of Councilors so they can be aware <br />of how long they are talking. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he would like to put time limits for each item on the agenda. He <br />said Councilors could let him or the City Manager know if they feel an item will take <br />longer than indicated. <br /> <br /> It was agreed that time limits would be put on the agendas in Council packets <br />only, and not be published at this time. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he does not want to short change the public, but would like to <br />limit the time for power point presentations at Council meetings. He said there may be <br />other ways to show a fuller version of the presentation on public access television or on <br />the website. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said that if power points are visual presentations they are effective, <br />but they are not effective if they are bullets which are read. <br /> <br />It was agreed that power point presentations should be limited to ten minutes. <br /> <br />Committees/Agendas <br /> <br /> The following Council representation on boards and commissions was agreed to: <br />Albemarle/Charlottesville Regional Jail Authority - Mr. Caravati; Audit Committee - Dr. <br />Brown and Mr. Schilling; Charlottesville Redevelopment and Housing Authority - Ms. <br />Hamilton (appointed on July 19); Chief Local Elected Officials (Workforce Investment) - <br />Mr. Lynch; Mclntire Park Master Plan Committee - Mr. Lynch and Mr. Schilling; <br />Metropolitan Planning Organization - Ms. Hamilton and Mr. Lynch (appointed on July <br />6); Planning and Coordinating Council - Dr. Brown and Mr. Caravati; Retirement <br />Commission - Mr. Caravati; School Capital Projects Committee - Dr. Brown and Mr. <br />Schilling; Social Services Advisory Board - Mr. Brown; Solid Waste Negotiating <br />Committee - Mr. Caravati and Mr. Lynch; Thomas Jefferson Planning District <br />Commission - Mr. Lynch; Towe Park Committee - Dr. Brown and Mr. Schilling; Virginia <br />First Cities - Mr. Caravati and Ms. Hamilton (to share meetings); Weed and Seed Task <br />Force - Mr. Schilling; Public Safety Strategic Plan Group - Mr. Caravati and Mr. Lynch. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said he would like to see an annual report back from all boards and <br />commission on which Councilors serve, to include attendance by City representatives. <br /> <br /> It was agreed that this issue will be flagged and discussed by Council at another <br />time. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he wants to assure that items are appropriately placed on the <br />Consent Agenda, and suggested that Councilors indicate any items they want removed <br />from the Consent Agenda in advance if possible so they can be placed on the regular <br />agenda. <br /> <br /> <br />