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25 <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said that consideration could be given to Council holding separate <br />public hearings on zoning items. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton suggested, and it was agreed that PUD rezonings be placed on the <br />regular agenda. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked whether the public comment periods should continue as they are <br />now, at the beginning and the end. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said the public comment period is an important part of the meeting, <br />and suggested that awards and recognitions be placed after the public comment period. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said that the public often repeats the same comments and suggested <br />they be encouraged to simply indicate their agreement with previous speakers. <br /> <br />Mr. Lynch said we could differentiate between awards and proclamations. <br /> <br />Dr. Brown said he will take Councilors' comments into consideration. <br /> <br />E-mail <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said there is a balance between e-mail being a good communication <br />tool and where it violates the open government requirement. Dr. Brown said all of <br />Council e-mails are public documents, and questioned why they should not be made <br />available to all of Council. <br /> <br /> Mr. Craig Brown, City Attorney, said that the lack of simultaneity of e-mail <br />makes it appropriate for Council to use as it is more like sending a memorandum or <br />making a phone call. He cautioned Councilors to be mindful of the Freedom of <br />Information Act when using e-mail. He said there is also a distinction between using <br />e-mail for informational purposes and using it as a decision making tool. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he finds e-mail helpful for throwing out ideas, but feels it is <br />inappropriate if Council comes to a conclusion via e-mail. <br /> <br />Mr. Brown said e-mail can be used to solicit opinions and thoughts. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said he sees no need to change the current policy. He said he thinks <br />e-mail should be used as little as possible, and he is uncomfortable about the idea that all <br />e-mails be shared. He noted that he will not respond to a group via e-mail. <br /> <br />Mr. Caravati stressed that all e-mails are open documents. <br /> <br />Councilor Requests for Information <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he feels it would be beneficial to have a policy about individual <br />Councilors requesting information from staff, and that all information gathered be shared <br />with all Councilors. He said he feels it would help in a team building fashion. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said she may not be interested in receiving all information, but <br />would be interested in seeing what Councilors are asking, and suggested that a list of <br />what is requested be provided. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said he would not want to see the list of what has been requested of <br />staff include constituent requests. <br /> <br /> Mr. Caravati said he thinks the list should include all information that is requested <br />and the name of who requested the information. <br /> <br /> Mr. Schilling said that a lot of things are subject to FOIA, but just because they <br />could be made available does not mean they should be put out. He expressed concern <br />about including constituent requests. <br /> <br /> <br />