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2 <br /> Mr. O’Connell said the idea is to give recommendations for funding mechanisms. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked if Council supports a policy that City controlled projects move <br />toward sustainable design, permeable surfaces, etc., and Councilors indicated their <br />support. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked about expanding stream buffers to smaller streams, and Mr. <br />Tolbert said that is in the works in the Comprehensive Plan review. <br /> <br /> <br /> Dr. Brownsaid he would like to explore the possibility of having a dedicated <br />environmental inspector in next year’s budget. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown asked what can we require of the private sector in terms of stormwater <br />management, such as saving trees, decreasing runoff, etc. He asked if there are examples <br />of incentive programs. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton said we need to educate the community and get them to partner <br />with us. <br /> <br /> Ms. Riddervold said that public education and outreach are requirements of our <br />permit. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said that Albemarle County prohibits building in the floodplain, and he <br />thinks we should require that soon, preferably in October. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said that can be expedited if Council desires. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he would like to see the same thing with stream protection. He <br />said he does not see the need to wait for the Comprehensive Plan review. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said we have to wait for the study and mapping for part of it. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said he would like to see the impact of doing that. <br /> <br /> Ms. Hamilton asked if it would be possible to partner with private groups on <br />enforcement, but Ms. Riddervold said we need to be careful using volunteer groups for <br />enforcement. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch, referring to education, said it might be helpful to focus on big pictures <br />things such as the fact that certain creeks are unsafe for swimming and fishing. He <br />suggested asking Stream Watch to do this if we give them extra money. <br /> <br /> A representative of Stream Watch said that they might be able to do that with the <br />right resources. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Dr. Brown, Ms. Riddervold said questions include <br />whether all developments have to have a certain amount of parking and could some <br />streets be less wide. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said that parking requirements and street widths were recently <br />lowered, and it is unlikely that the street widths could be further reduced because of fire <br />regulations. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Dr. Brown about what the City can require by <br />ordinance, Ms. Riddervold said water quality criteria could added. <br /> <br /> Mr. Tolbert said that is in the works and should be ready by the first of the year. <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said he does not think we need new justifications for why we need <br />better water quality. He said it seems crazy not to measure it. He asked if there is a way <br />to monitor fish in the Rivanna River. <br /> <br /> <br />