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2 <br />PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Mr. Jock Yellott, 311 E. Market Street, expressed concern that the proposed <br />parking ordinance, which will plug a loophole, does not allow people to protest a ticket <br />by mail. <br /> <br /> Mr. Rauzelle Smith, 1508 Trailridge Road, expressed concern that the vacuum <br />method for leaf collection is slow, ineffective and spreads debris. He said the published <br />collection schedule is also unreliable. He recommended that the ordinance be changed to <br />require bagging of leaves. <br /> <br /> Ma. Alia Anderson, 1517 Broad Avenue, Executive Director of ACCT, invited <br />th <br />Council and the public to the 2006 Bike Summit on October 4. She said there has been <br />a lull in City projects and projects need to be prioritized in the Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />Master Plan. She said October is International Walk to School month and she invited <br />Councilors to join schools in this effort. <br /> <br /> Mr. Glenn Short, 1510 Burnham Drive, representing Charlottesville Peak Oil, <br />listed trends in dealing with future oil shortages: conservation, smaller houses, more <br />energy efficient; relocalization (becoming more self-sufficient); and the development of <br />sustainable technology. He asked Council to create an energy task force. <br /> <br /> Ms. Ann Mercer, 1200 E. Jefferson Street, representing Charlottesville Peak Oil, <br />discussed a community in Ireland that is addressing the issue. <br /> <br /> Ms. Kelly Neher, 1596 Cool Spring Road, representing Peak Oil, discussed <br />resolutions passed in other communities. <br /> <br /> Ms. Nancy Hurrelbrinck, 1020 St. Clair Avenue, discussed relocalization plans in <br />Tompkins County, New York. <br /> <br /> Mt. Stephen Bach,1208 Meriwether Street, representing Charlottesville Peak Oil, <br />said our oil based way of life is not sustainable. He asked Council to bring the issue to <br />the attention of citizens by creating a task force to access the situation and make <br />recommendations. <br /> <br /> Mr. Karl Ackerman, 1611 E. Market Street, said that H. T. Ferron may be <br />violating environmental laws by illegal washing of their trucks. He asked Council to find <br />out why City staff are not doing their job in monitoring the situation. <br /> <br /> Mr. Peter Kleeman, 407 Hedge Street, expressed concern about the late hour for <br />Planning Commission public hearings. He urged Council to give a fair opportunity to the <br />public to attend public hearings and to board members who have to deliberate late into <br />the night by setting limits at Planning Commission and Council meetings. <br /> <br />COUNCIL RESPONSES TO MATTERS BY THE PUBLIC <br /> <br /> Mr. Lynch said that perhaps Council should talk to the Planning Commission <br />about having such full agendas. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he hopes the representatives of Charlottesville Peak Oil are <br />bringing the issue before the Albemarle County Board of Supervisors as well as City <br />Council. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown, referring to comments made by Mr. Ackerman, said he feels it is <br />unfair to make such accusations without giving H. T. Ferron a chance to respond. <br /> <br />CONSENT AGENDA <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown removed the ordinance dealing with multiple parking violations from <br />the consent agenda as requested by staff. <br /> <br /> <br />