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4 <br /> The public hearing was opened. <br /> <br /> Ms. Jeanne Chase, 223 Old Lynchburg Road, said it is a worthy goal to run a lean <br />government and she lauds the desire to be open and transparent. She urged Council to <br />fulfill the recommendations of the area b study and move traffic around her <br />neighborhood, not through it. She emphasized the need to maintain adequate City <br />personnel to protect the neighborhood. <br /> <br /> Ms. Colette Hall, 101 Robertson Lane, said there is a difference between what we <br />need and what we want. She said that those asking Council for funding should be <br />required to provide a financial report to include why Council should give them money. <br />She said that Council meetings should not be held past 11:00 p.m. and there should be no <br />more than two public hearings on an agenda. <br /> <br /> Mr. John Pfaltz, 1503 Rugby Road, said that big jumps in expenditures are not <br />smart, and they are no longer possible with flat or decreasing assessments. He said <br />Council should tell the City Manager to come back with a budget with no more than a 5% <br />increase and no new staff. He said no new projects should be undertaken with surplus <br />funds, and the City should not undertake its own rescue squad. He said the City should <br />consider a small cash infusion for Charlottesville-Albemarle Rescue Squad instead. He <br />said surplus funds should be used for infrastructure needs. Mr. Pfaltz criticized the $10 <br />million for a new station house and additional costs for another engine company. <br /> <br /> Mr. Chad Freckman, 104 Northwood Circle, suggested that information <br />transparency be focused on, especially with the Emergency Medical Services funding. <br />He said the evidence does not suggest to him that there is a problem, and he thinks it <br />needs more evaluation. <br /> <br /> Ms. Elizabeth Kutchai, 126 Bollingwood Road, said we do not need an expensive <br />EMS service, and it should be stopped if possible. <br /> <br /> As there were no further speakers, the public hearing was closed. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris noted that tonight is just the beginning of the discussion about smart <br />and efficient government. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said, referring to comments made by Mr. Pfaltz about the new fire <br />station, said that the new location has been in the works for seven to eight years, and <br />simply relocates an existing company. He said that is separate from the EMS issue and <br />does not involve new personnel. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown noted that the first speaker did not advocate cutting costs, but for <br />maintaining service. He said a lot of costs for the City cannot be compared to the cost of <br />living. He said the guidelines from Council about the budget to the City Manager direct <br />that the budget be limited to a 5% increase or less. He said there is a lot of confusion <br />about the EMS service. He said the City will be augmenting what CARS does. He said <br />he was a reluctant convert to the City’s investment in its own people. He said it is a <br />complicated issue and a lot of information has not been conveyed to the public. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris noted that several dozen on-line responses have already been received <br />on the City’s website and a number of e-mails have been sent to Council. He said one <br />suggestion was made in regard to concern about the size of the central office <br />administration of the Schools and that there be a matrix comparing the number of <br />teachers with the number of central office administrators. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: PROCESS FOR PEDESTRIAN SAFETY EVALUATION <br /> <br /> Mr. Jim Tolbert, Director of Neighborhood Development Services, said that <br />Council had discussed pedestrian safety at several meetings. He said staff recommends <br />that a staff and citizen team be formed to make recommendations regarding pedestrian <br />safety improvements, with representation from ACCT and the University of Virginia. He <br />said staff is open to suggestions about other team members. He said it is proposed that <br /> <br />