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12 <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja made a motion to approve a plaque on the base of the statue with the <br />language and image as suggested, and Mr. Taliaferro seconded the motion. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said that we have money for art allocated, and he suggested spending <br />approximately $2,500 on the marker. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards said the words suggested by the family are very eloquent. <br /> <br /> Mr. Norris said that due to the lateness, the Efficiency Study will be deferred to <br />the next meeting. <br /> <br />REPORT <br />: STREET CAR TASK FORCE <br /> <br /> Mr. Gary Okerlund, a member of the Street Car Task Force, said a street car can <br />be included as part of the regional transit plan. He said there is the possibility of future <br />federal funding. He said the question is does Council want to look into the idea of a <br />street car further. He provided a technical review and examples of streetcars. He said the <br />Task Force recommended that the City hire a consultant to study the base cost to build <br />and operate a street car. <br /> <br /> Mr. Frank Stoner, 240 Chestnut Oak Lane, a member of the Task Force, said he <br />has property interest on West Main Street. He asked Council to give serious <br />consideration to funding the study. He said West Main Street also needs a parking study. <br />Mr. Stoner said he thinks that if the City is the primary funder of a study then private <br />funding will be possible. He said the West Main Street corridor is very fragile, and he <br />thinks it is worth $200,000 to study the idea. <br /> <br /> Mr. Taliaferro said he served on the Task Force, and they discussed linking the <br />idea to the regional transit study. He said he thinks maybe we should now go ahead in <br />case federal funding becomes available and we would be in a better position to compete. <br />He said that perhaps 50% of the cost could be covered privately. <br /> <br /> Responding to a question from Mr. Huja, Mr. Okerlund said that the cost per mile <br />to build is $18 million to $20 million per mile. <br /> <br /> Mr. Huja noted that the Meadowcreek Parkway interchange is $30 million, to be <br />things in perspective. He said if we are serious about transit we should do the next phase <br />if we can get private partners. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards asked if the concern about streetcars not being bike friendly was <br />brought up. <br /> <br /> Mr. Okerlund said streetcars slow traffic which helps bikes. <br /> <br /> Dr. Brown said he traveled to Portland with a study group. He said people really <br />do not notice the overhead wires. He said streetcars have a track record of stimulating <br />development. He agreed that a street car is not all we need to do on West Main Street, <br />and agreed we need to look at parking. He said the problem is the cost, noting that places <br />that have done street cars have funding sources we do not have. He said the question is <br />how much do we invest in something that we may never have. He said it is not <br />something we will be able to do ourselves. He said other places could move more people <br />and would likely get priority. He noted that the study did not address what happens on <br />the Corner where things are tight. <br /> <br /> Mr. Okerlund said that is one thing the study would address. <br /> <br /> Ms. Edwards said she believes this needs to be part of a larger regional transit <br />study. She asked if the regional transit authority would need to be in place to get federal <br />funding. <br /> <br /> Mr. Okerlund said not necessarily, but a larger system would help. <br /> <br />