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6 <br /> <br />Kellams responded that money management, including having checking and savings accounts, is <br />a growth point to be addressed. <br />A short video produced by Ms. Kellams and the Communications Department staff was <br />shown to Council and the audience. <br />REPORT <br />: SUSTAINABLE POPULATION <br /> Mr. Jack Marshall, representative of the Advocates for a Sustainable Albemarle <br />Population (ASAP), introduced Dr. Claire Jantz, who conducted research on the impact of <br />population growth on ecosystem services for the Charlottesville and Albemarle County <br />community. Mr. Marshall thanked the City for providing $11,000 in funding in August 2007 to <br />do the study to determine an optimal population for the area. Dr. Jantz presented a summary of <br />her findings, comparing developing areas vs. rural areas and the different challenges and <br />opportunities for both. <br /> Dr. Brown commented that the City’s increased density may benefit surrounding areas, <br />and that once one area reaches build-out, other areas increase development or are impacted. <br /> Ms. Edwards if there are opportunities for laypersons to receive and understand this <br />research. Dr. Jantz responded that their plan is to use the media and perform outreach to <br />community members. <br /> Mr. Huja asked if the report is on the City’s website. Mr. Watts responded that staff will <br />create a link to the report on the website. Dr. Jantz is also scheduled to present in more depth her <br />research findings at a League of Women Voters meeting on September 22, 2009, and Council <br />and the public is invited to attend. <br /> Mr. Marshall stated that growth affects all areas, and thanked Council for their time. <br />REPORT <br />: MASSIVE RESISTANCE <br /> Mr. Taliaferro read a Resolution concerning efforts to prevent school desegregation <br />(Massive Resistance) by shutting down two City schools for a five-month period in 1958-59, and <br />offering an apology for such action. <br />th <br /> Mr. Maurice Jones, Assistant City Manager, stated that it is the 50 anniversary of school <br />integration in Charlottesville, and gave a brief history of the event. He said other localities have <br />adopted resolutions apologizing for past actions, and asked that the resolution read by Mr. <br />Taliaferro be considered by City Council on October 5, 2009. <br /> Dr. Brown stated that a small number of schools were actually closed, and that the <br />Governor is the one who closed the schools, not the local school board. He said the City Council <br />at that time wanted to defend segregation but keep the schools open. Dr. Brown thinks the City <br />should apologize because it is important to recognize historical events. <br /> Ms. Edwards inquired as to whether the City School Board would be adopting a similar <br />statement. Mr. Jones said he will follow up with the School Board on that question. <br /> The matter will be considered at the October 5, 2009 regular meeting of Council. <br />RESOLUTION <br />: APPLICATION FOR REVENUE SHARING GRANT (McINTIRE ROAD <br />INTERCHANGE AND HILLSDALE DRIVE PROJECTS) <br /> Jeanette Janiczek, UCI Program Manager for the City of Charlottesville, informed <br />Council on the Revenue Sharing Grant Program in general, and the specifics of the staff request <br />to apply for $1 million in matching grant funds. The grant funds would be used to advance the <br />Route 250 Bypass Interchange project and the Hillsdale Drive Extended project. These projects <br />are already listed in the state’s Adopted Six Year Plan, and are locally administered. <br /> On motion by Mr. Huja, seconded by Dr. Brown, the Resolution to apply for $1 million <br />in revenue sharing grant funds, was approved by the following vote: Ayes: Dr. Brown, Mr. <br />Taliaferro, Mr. Huja. Noes: Ms. Edwards. Absent: Mr. Norris. <br /> <br /> <br />